Mythgate - The Human World by Moheart7 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Dimitri Sokolov
Age: 56
Species: Human
Potential Voice: Eric Vesbit - Kraven the Hunter (Spectacular Spiderman)
Bio: The finest Bodyguard the Blakesley family has ever known. Though he never says much about his past before working for the Blakesley family aside from the fact that he
emigrated from his home in Samara, Russia several years ago, this large bulk of a man has certainly proven himself to be a trusted friend and capable bodyguard to the Blakesley family ever since he was first employed shortly after the youngest daughter turned 6. Though he is licensed to carry a firearm, something which his employer never was truly fond of, Dimitri only ever uses his handgun for defense, and always prefers to use his own two fists to bring down anyone who attempts to harm the Blakesley family. In fact, due to his high devotion to the family, he even takes it upon himself to patrol the house every single night after the Blakesleys have turned in for the night, proving once again how protective he is of the family who has basically treated him like an uncle ever since he moved in.

Name: Mohinder Patel
Age: 52
Species: Human
Potential Voice: Irrfan Khan Simon Masrani (Jurrasic World)
Bio: One of the most brilliant minds to ever live. Originally from Mumbai, India, Professor Mohinder Patel started out as a happy, young University Lecturer with a loving wife. However all that changed when he discovered that his wife was in fact a Mythical. Fortunately Mohinder was quite an accepting soul and though he decided not to say anything to spare her the heartbreak of possible rejection, was none the less just as comforting when his wife finally revealed her trues self to him. When news of their first child approached, knowing that the MTF would certainly come for the whole family when the baby is finally born, both Mohinder and his wife concocted a plan to hide their child. Once their daughter, a ybrid of Human and Mythical, was born, Mohinder knocked the doctor out with tranquillizer he managed to get from his workplace, and and his wife escaped the hospital with their baby before the MTF could arrive. Unfortunately, their escape didn't go unnoticed and it wasn't even a month before the family were found again in Pune, where Mohinder's wife was gunned down. Heartbroken and distraught, Diva's father took his daughter and escaped to America, where he raised her in secret for the next 4 years. But yet again fate decided against the family's happiness and one of the neighbors reported Mohinder's daughter to the police after spotting a silver-furred girl through her kitchen window, soon after, Mohinder was arrested for harboring a Mythical and his daughter was sent through the Mythgate. After spending 5 years in Prison, Mohinder was approached by members of the MTF in his cell, who on behalf of Van Helsing himself, had Mohinder released on the condition that he would remdeem himself by using his brilliant mind to aid them in their cause. Though obviously disgusted with the very idea, considering who his own family was, Mohinder accepted the offer regardless. Of course, little did the MTF realise, that while Mohinder spent the next 13 years working for the MTF as a technical supervisor, he ulterior motive is always to find a way to bring his daughter back, and to do that he needs to get as close to the Mythgate as possible... and eventually find a way to reverse it.Name: Dina Blakesley
Age: 18
Species: Werewolf (Former Human)
Potential Voice: Grey DeLisle - Kitty Katswell (TUFF Puppy)
Bio:…Name: Ellie Blakesley
Age: 13
Species: Human
Potential Voice: Kristen Schaal - Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Bio: The youngest of the Blakesley sisters. Much like her older sister Dina, because her family was in politics, she got into some of the best schools due to her mother's connections, however that's not to say she wouldn't have gotten in those schools on her own considering that she has such a high IQ for someone of her age. As apposed to her elder sibling's calm demeanor, she has been known to be quite energetic and wild at times but still shows a deep respect for Dina and as such usually looks up to her for guidance, especially with tricky homework assignments. Of course much like the rest of humanity, she also has a small dislike for Mythicals, though its more over the fact that her sister is constantly looking them up online than anything else. However her dislike mostly stems from the fact that her mother has always told her and her sister that they were the reason why her father disappeared when she barely a year old, thus making them the reason why she never had a father-figure in her life, with the possible acception of the bodyguard, Dimitri.

Name: Gwen Blakesley
Age: 46
Species: Human
Potential Voice: Emily Blunt - Tempest Shadow (MLP)
Bio: The matriarch of the Blakesley Family and Governor for California. Ever since her younger years as an attorney Gwen had always intended on putting her career first, however that all changed when she met her soon-to-be husband, who after a few short years blessed her with two beautiful daughters, Dina and Ellie. However when Dina had turned 6 years old, barely a year after Ellie was born, one night Gwen's husband went to work one day and never came back. There was no note, no phone call, not even a simple goodbye to his family, and no matter how many times Dina asked where her daddy was, Mrs Blakesley would always give the same vague answer and say that it was because of the Mythicals that her father was gone. In any case, no one ever saw Gwen's husband again after that, and thus she took it upon herself to raise her daughters on her own, feeling it better to support them through her recently chosen political career. Though she may have had 12 years to move on from her husband's disappearance, Gwen never remarried, in fact after the disappearance, she had her and her daughters' surnames changed back to her maiden names as a sign of her independence from another union, although it was quite obvious that she was still longing for her husband to return despite her actions. As a governor, Gwen is usually very busy in and out of the office and has been known to bring a LOT of paperwork home with her from time to time, however despite this she still tries to put her daughters first no matter what it took, even if she had trouble showing it from time to time.

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