|tfo app| Miorra by moietea on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

[7/15] Added her history (unedited/approved)


Name: Miorra
Nickname(s): Mio or Mia
Age: 13 years old
Sex: Female
Herd: Kingdom of Light
Rank: Squire
Scent: Honeydew and pine sap
Voice: Britt McKillip (Cadence from MLPFIM)
Accent: A slight 'Spanish' accent with minor accenting on vowels and the r sound, but fairly unnoticeable unless she is especially frightened or angry.


General Appearance: A stocky dark grey and white horse with darker speckles, several scars, bicolored wavy mane and tail, and blue eyes.
Breed: Percheron (40%) Paint (40%) Arabian (20%)

Coat: Dark coal dun with dark beauty spots and white tobiano. More soft then anything else, surprisingly thick with an almost fluffy quality to it.
Mane: Mostly black, with about a quarter of it being cream where the neck turns white. Has a waviness to it, but tends to get tangled easily. Has a somewhat rough texture.
Tail: Entirely cream. Has a waviness to it, but tends to get tangled easily. Has a somewhat rough texture.
Hooves: Three cream and one a darker brown. Hard, but tend to overgrow and crack if not filed against a rock or the like. Has slight feathering, but this tends to be thin and unnoticeable until Wintertime.
Eyes: Pale, almost tealish blue. Somewhat larger in size, with prominent, dark lashes.

Build: Stocky, with thick shoulders and legs due to her dominant Percheron heritage. She has a slightly broader chest from her Arabian heritage. Her Paint background has also contributed to a long body and legs. Overall, she is still young, and hasn't quite filled out yet.
Weight: Fairly skinny despite her thick build, with a noticeable dip in her belly.
Height: Roughly 13 hands; Not particularly large yet, but shows promise of becoming a tall horse.

Injuries/Disabilities/Scars: While none are hindering to anything other then her beauty, she has a multitude of scars on both sides. All of these were earned from her Uncle except for the claw marks on her right shoulder, which was from the cougar attack that took her Mother's life. A few of the darker scars show signs that they may fade with age, but as of now they are all visible. It is also noteworthy as a speech disability that when under pressure or when distressed she tends to stutter her words.


Cautious | Clever | Determined | Empathetic | Loyal | Clueless | Quiet | Skittish | Unsure | Daydreamer
Positive Traits | Cautious | "H-hold on! Shouldn't we think about this first?" Miorra is not the kind to go rushing into danger unless she has no other choice. She prefers to think things through, and assess situations before proceeding.
| Clever | "Uh..I have an idea." Miorra is good at thinking quickly, and solving problems. This does get a bit harder the more pressured she is, but for the most part it is a constant trait.
| Determined | "...Yes. I'm sure. I can do this." Although Miorra can be unsure of herself at times, she knows her goals and has the willpower to reach them. Although sometimes accessing that willpower can come harder then she'd like.
Neutral Traits | Empathetic | "I don't know... I can see their point." Miorra is good at seeing other horse's points of views. Because of this she is understanding, but it can also make it hard to perform duties as she sympathizes easily.
| Loyal | "I'm always here for you if you need me.." Miorra is slow to trust, but once she trusts you breaking that trust is hard. This makes her both a good friend, but also easier to manipulate once she trusts you.
| Clueless | "Oh. Why would you want to know about that?" Despite her empathetic nature, every once in a while something just won't click with her. Its best to just be patient and explain during this time.
| Quiet | "........" While not exactly shy, Miorra would prefer to look and listen then partake in any conversation. As a result, she is both a good listener, but can come off as shy.
Negative Traits | Skittish | "AH! D-don't scare me like t-that!" While not a coward, Miorra can be a bit jumpy, specifically around stallions and horses she doesn't know. She has been known to kick out in her panic, so think twice before shouting boo at her.
| Unsure | "Well... I'm mostly sure." Miorra can be very unsure, of both herself and other horses. Sometimes finding confidence is hard for her, and placing trust in other horses comes slow.
| Daydreamer | ".....? Sorry. Did you say something?" Miorra can have a very focused mind when she wants to, but if she isn't particularly engaged in an activity you can bet she's off in her own little world.


Mother: Amethea (Paint 60% Arabian 40% | A kind, but cowardly chestnut tobiano mare | Killed in a cougar attack defending Miorra)
Father: Sleet (Percheron 100% | A black stallion who was serious, but a fairly decent horse | Unknown)
Younger Brother: Don (Younger Brother | A moody young colt with chestnut tobiano | Unknown)
Paternal Uncle: Erick (Percheron 100% | A black stallion with a white face, an oftentimes cruel and cold horse | Unknown)


Sexual Orientation: Demi-heterosexual
Romantic Orientation: Demi-biromantic
Status: Available

Current Mate: None
Past Mate(s): None
Current Attraction(s): None
Past Attraction(s): None

Activity: Virgin
Looking for: Too young to have much experience love wise, so she isn't actively looking. Would most likely just have a crush.
Preferences: She isn't too hard set on physical attractions, but does find lighter colored horses are more attractive. She would prefer horses who are caring, understanding, and protective.


read it here


Favorites: Cuddling | Despite her shyness, she appreciates physical affection like nuzzles
Flowers | They bring back good memories and always cheer her up
Running | She enjoys the feeling of the wind in her mane and ground under her hooves
Sweet Foods | She has a sweet tooth
Likes: Working | She is a hard worker, and finds satisfaction in getting things done
Praise | Praise and compliments can go a long way, but not if she doesn't think she deserves it
Learning | She enjoys learning new things
Rain | She finds it calming and appealing
Helping | She loves feeling useful to others
Dislikes: Bullies | She has a special hatred for horses to beat on others
Swimming | She isn't very good at swimming and doesn't find the struggle to stay afloat worth it
Her Father | As far is she is concerned, she hopes she never sees him again
Fears: Her Uncle | She still occasionally has nightmares of her time with him
Cougars | She is very afraid of the big cats


Timezone: Usually Eastern Standard time or German time
RP Method:
|| Notes ✔ || Comments ✔ || Skype ✘ || Chatrooms ✔ ||
RP Form:
|| Paragraph ✔ || Text (1-2 sentences) ✔ || First Person ✘ || Third Person ✔ ||
RP Rating:
|| G/PG ✔ || PG + 13 ✔ || M ✔ ||

Sample | Amberwood | Private Roleplay | 7/6/2015
Amberwood was sitting outside the camp walls, the reeds and rain doing little to block or wash away the thoughts that swirled in her head. The raindrops made ripples in the river water her golden eyes was locked on, but her gaze was blank. Staring more past the world then at anything in it. She had looked in the Medicine Cat's Den just minutes ago... The battle had barely begun and already the Den was beginning to get crowded. And those were simply the cats who had been able to make it to the Den in time. Amberwood shuddered, a few rain drops falling off her wet pelt and onto the grass.

Amberwood wasn't entirely sure why this was effecting her so. Naturally, she didn't want her Clanmates hurt, but that wasn't it. The feeling that really surfaced above all others was... numbness. Maybe it was because she herself was supposed to be in the Medicine Cat's Den - although she had insisted days ago that the scar on her side was fully healed, Mottledust had insisted just as persistently that she needed to take it easy - but for some reason she simply couldn't conjure the amount of sympathy she felt she should have for her Clanmates.
And even beyond that, the only sympathy she felt was for WindClan. The Clan that until days ago she had hated with all her heart now filled her with shame for simply being in one of the three Clans turning against them. Her RiverClan Clanmates were out in this storm to fight for a kit. She didn't even want to think of what they would do to the poor kit if they got her... Kill her? Because she could end up being like Paleheart? Even Paleheart hadn't been on that level of heartlessness. And if he had? Would she herself be dead right now because Paleheart thought she would be like her father?

Her heart swelled as lightning lit up the storming sky. The russet she cat knew what she had to do, no matter how much it hurt. Fear rose through the numbness, but she suppressed it. Her life had been spent here amongst the water and grass, but to think of her home, her memories and worse- her family being stained by hate and fear and blood. And she couldn't watch it. Not anymore.
Her golden gaze turned up to the heavens, but was quickly averted as the water pounded down on her upturned face. She lowered her head, instead peering into the water of the rippling river. The clouds covered the sky, and she could see no stars amongst the black. But the water held flecks and flickers of light in them, as if StarClan had chosen to reside there instead tonight.
StarClan be with her... She was leaving RiverClan.

Miorra adopted from cat-whiskerss Miorra (c) Chasing-Fables TFO (c) POEDOGS :iconthe--forgotten--ones: