IZxRotG Somebody's in trouble... by MotherofOnity on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
MotherofOnity on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/motherofonity/art/IZxRotG-Somebody-s-in-trouble-343062898MotherofOnity
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Published: Dec 16, 2012
..Cuz It looks like somepony pissed Jack off.
My dad and I came up with the fallowing:
Jack: I shall prove to the world that you are a bunny!!!! AHAHA
Bunnymund: But...They already know I am.
Jack: !........SHUT UP! Do NOT underestimate the power of the Irken-Guardian powers of which I have!
Image size
758x1341px 360.65 KB
I have no comment. *snicker*