I Wonder If I Coul Tell You by Mouselemur on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

While almost always hidden, he does come out at least once every visit.

Species: Anguilla Bank Anole (Anguilla anole)

Latin name: Anolis Gingivinus

Originates from the Caribbean Lesser Antilles islands of Anguilla and its satellites.

Current status: Least Concern

Did you know:

…The Anguilla Bank Anole is also called Anguilla Bank Tree Anole or simply Anguilla Anole.

…They are widespread,but not much seems to be known about the species. Most of what is known is centered to the males only.

…Males can reach a length of 72 mm from snout to vent, have an olive to light green dorsal ground color, with a broad mid dorsal stripe and a light stripe along the flanks. The belly is cream to light yellow. Males can have a marbled or spotted pattern.

…It is the only Anole native to Anguilla, though the Green Lizard was recently introduced.

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