I'll Pretend I Never Felt This WAy by Mouselemur on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It's pretty much always the males who get all the attention. They already give their name to the whole species, but then the females are even mostly ignored when it comes to photos...

Species: Bearded Reedling (Baardman of baardmannetje)

Latin name: Panurus Biarmicus

Originates from Eurasia.

Current status: Least Concern

Did you know:

…When it was first described, it was placed amongst the True Tits and called the Bearded Tit. Later, the species was placed with the Parrotbills, and called the Bearded Parrotbill. Recent research shows the Bearded Reedling is a unique songbird, and there’s no other living species closely related to it.

…Despite what its name suggest, the Bearded Reedling does not have a beard – the male does have two black streaks on his face resembling a moustache. A female does not have this “moustache”.

…You may be able to locate a flock of Bearded Reedlings in a reedbed by listening to their characterist “ping” call.

© Mouselemur PhotographyPortegiesje

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