Kappa by MPFitzpatrick on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
MPFitzpatrick on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mpfitzpatrick/art/Kappa-563157005MPFitzpatrick
Deviation Actions
Published: Sep 29, 2015
Digital painting (Photoshop)
Kappa are a creature from Japanese folklore, and I've wanted to paint one for ages. I pushed this one a lot, did some things artistically that were a little out of my comfort zone; I deliberately dropped out some detail in favor of contrast and drama, I tried extreme perspective and size exaggeration with the outreached hand, I made my highlights much sharper than I usually do, and made the beams of moonlight very pronounced. I think it came out nice and creepy.
Image size
724x432px 323.34 KB
There are actually Kappas in "Heroes of Might and Magic 7". I was really surprised to find Japanese Folklore mixed into a whirlpool of random Fantasy. ^^
You took this design from them or is there other scources depicturing them with this wierd open waterbowl head?