Venomous Strike 3 by Mr-Marcus-81 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


"Good evening, this is Amy Feng with your Bi-City Channel 13 Evening News. Our top story tonight, the "Solaire County Snake Lady"...real or hoax?

Several Solaire County eyewitnesses have made similar reports to police after seeing a mysterious human-being like female, who is also part snake. This woman, dubbed the "Solaire County Snake Lady", is claimed to have been seen roaming in various locations in the Southeastern part of the county, specifically within a five mile radius of the abandoned site of the old Solaire County hospital and nearby Solaris River basin area in recent weeks.

Police Chief Sonny Wilson spoke with Channel 13 field reporters and had this to say,

'This is one of the most bizarre things that I think I've seen in all my years on the job. When I first heard about it, I thought that it was just a joke or a prank involving an individual going around in a costume or makeup and body paint giving folks a rise. However there have been increased sightings of this person and other strange occurrences going on in the Southeastern part of the county. No one was able to positively ID the individual and it didn't help that all of the photographs and video footage taken of this young woman have been of poor quality.

But many of the descriptions that we were getting of this individual were very similar, which has lead us to believe that perhaps there is some validity to these sightings and several of the residents that have been able to get a closer look at the individual insist that she isn't just some attention-starved cosplayer. After conducting several welfare checks and attempting to establish a rapport with the individual, we have not been able to locate the young woman, but considerable amounts of bones and carcasses were found in the near vicinity of the abandoned hospital.

Forensic reports have determined that many of the bones found belong to various small to medium sized animals, including dogs, poultry, pigs, and deer have been located in this area of Southeastern Solaire County. This discovery does correlate to an uptick of what was believed to be missing or stolen farm animals within the same radius. However we don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves, as coyotes and other predatory animals are common to that area of Solaire county.

But this has definitely peaked our interest enough to keep monitoring in hopes of at least establishing with this person of interest in hopes of opening a dialog with her to investigate her motives behind these sporadic appearances in our community. I'd like to urge residents to use discretion in approaching or engaging this individual, as she could potentially be hostile and dangerous. Please don't try to apprehend her by yourself; call 911 and let the police handle the situation.'

The common descriptors of the "Snake Lady" are as follows: she appears to be in her mid 20's to early 30's, having a paled-skinned Caucasian face and bust, most of the rest of her body covered with reddish-brown scales, approximately 6 feet tall, yellow eyes with slit pupils, long unkempt brown hair, a long forked-tongue, and a full-figured, yet toned build devoid of any clothing. The majority of witnesses have seen her in the evening or nighttime hours; she's described as moving extremely fast and has been heard audibly hissing. Please be advised and as Chief Wilson said, please use extreme caution in approaching her if you see her. We'll keep you updated as soon as we learn more about this situation.

In other news...."


Something strange...and eerily going on around the old county hospital!!!! Just felt like rendering an image of a mutated snake-woman!