Grem2 Guidesheet (OUTDATED, PLEASE READ BELOW) by MrGremble on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Grem2 Guidesheet 2017 by MrGremble

Physical features

Grem2’s are sleek and slim bodied creatures with strong bird legs resembling a rooster/emu/crow, possesing a thickness around the arms and thigh area. This thickness contains fat reserves for them to survive off of when times are rough. Grem2’s can come in any colour you request, their other features like eyes,ears,tails, and blood colours can be altered as well, but can be limited to only a few changes. Their heads are soft to the touch, but are hard with skin close to the skull, sporting large eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth used for gripping and tearing flesh, swallowing it whole.

Other features

Grem2s lack a gender/sex, so breeding is not an option for these creatures, their reproductive organs being left out for money and genetic reasons.

They have a nictitating membrane (third eyelid) to keep their eyes extra clean from dirt

The life span is a good 70 years, but some have grown to be older than that

They are sentient beings, learning any language it's exposed to and speaking it fluently

Height: 6 feet (can vary)

Diet: Omnivorous

Can have up to 3 tails

Restraints and Mutations

grem2’s cannot get any human or animal diseases/viruses, as their immune system is too immense for any virus or bacteria to get into. They do however have their own viruses and diseases, it is an extremely rare sight however.

A grem2 can be born with mutations that can either make them more desirable or too dangerous for society.

Since grem2’s are made originally from “Gremble” DNA, cloning a grem2 can be very unstable, half of the percentage of grems that are

created are born with malformations or dangerous mutations and have to be disposed of.

For more information about them and their world, click the image below!



Grem2 (c) MrGremble

=MYO Slot $40


-myo slots and custom slots are closed, you will know when they are open when a journal is posted

- Yes you are able to mix and match traits, all traits here are available to you when you get a myo slot

-when you buy a myo slot, all traits on the species sheet is available to you

-any form of myo slot is allowed to use all the traits you see on the species sheet, but you cannot use mutations of any sort (unless granted by the creator)

-Trait change does not cost any extra cash, its all free!