Emma Householder by MrMayhem2400 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Emma Householder

Age: 20

Height: 5'6

Weight: 300 pounds

Max Overhead Lift: 10 tons

Hey, I'm Emma. Most people know me as the buff blonde girl with the big moving truck. I'm fine with that, since that's what I am most of the time. I get bored very easily and have a hard time sitting still, so I tend to be working all the time.

For as long as I had these huge muscles and the strength of 100 men I wanted to use it to help people. I realized very quickly that what most want out of me is to lift and move things that no one else can. So I figured I'd start a one gal moving crew! So far I've not encountered a single thing I couldn't move. I've even moved entire home sections and trailer/tiny homes by myself with some effort.

While I'm usually very quiet and focused on my work, when I get to know you well you can see me come out as a funny and silly person. If you can ever catch me not working, that is.