I'm Ashamed of You {Sebastian X Reader} by Mrs-Potato-fresh on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Oh no no no this won't do!" She exclaimed. The two adults were conversing in the man's study. The balmy fire serving as the main source of light. The long and lanky man sat in a relaxed position in his chair though his mind was far from easy. The woman stood close to the fire and kept her [e/c] eyes locked on its delicate flames. She had her arms crossed just under her well rounded chest and her brows furrowed as the twists and turns of the hot magic reflected on her cheeks.

"[F/n] please, it's fine," the man assured her. "The issues will be solved soon then you will be free to go. We can part ways and never, ever have to meet again!" It sounded so sweet. Never, ever again. Though the man himself might be convinced it true, [F/n] knew such things could never be achieved. She was stuck to this man like glue. The troubles that he had pulled her into for his own gain were bound to swallow her alive.

"The issue at hand right now is whether or not you can get those buzzards off my tail! It's your fault that they are under the belief that I work for humans in no other reasoning except because I am tipping them on the underworld secrets! You pulled me into this mess and you damn well better have a plan to get us out" She hisses. The tight, long, and dark dress she wears swivels around her ankles as she turns sharply to face the man who still held his calm composure. "Do you have any idea what kind of a place I'm in? I would kill you if-" The man took a small vile out of his breast pocket. A red liquid shone through the fire light and reflected in the glass of the vile. [F/n]'s eyes narrowed at the sight of her biggest mistake.

"If I didn't have a sample of your blood. Yes dear I know. But you are my key. They say that you are the strongest, toughest, and most intelligent demon of them all. So why haven't you come up with anything?" She could have killed him then. Taken his pale throat into her polished fingers, dug her pretty little nails in, and let this crimson blood pour out of the wounds like a sap from a tree. If it wasn't for that damn vile of her blood she would have done it by then.

"You know why," she says gritting her teeth. "They are after me just as much as they are after you, and you holding onto to that blood can only increase risk of us both getting extinguished and not live to tell the story."

"[F/n] don't try and play me. I knew I should have set up a contract with you, this stupid partnership is highly untrustworthy."

"You're telling me?"

"Listen, I need some time to think it through-"

"The clock is ticking." She interrupted. The man snapped his head up and looked directly into her eyes. Such a pampered little Earl, has to have his way. Well time is almost out Earl, you may only have minutes left.

"Yes I know! You have been saying that for the last month! Now why don't you go back to whatever cave you live in and wait for my call!" It was so rare that he ever raised his voice. The young earl was usually so peaceful, so understanding. But things were going downhill fast, and they both knew it. [F/n] wasn't planning on staying for it all to go down. She knew a very risky tact to make that blood that he held unreliable. It was dangerous and quite painful as she had heard, but she had been thinking about doing it anyways. The life that she lived was no longer amusing. Souls were no longer something she craved, but adventure was something that her heart longed for so badly. This puny human was the only thing currently keeping her from it.

Despite the angry retorts, she held her tongue and paced to the door. "Of course," she paused slightly as her finger tips touched the door knob. "You disappoint me Vincent." Were her final words to him as she left the room and made her way through the halls of the Phantomhive manor. Streams of black energy drifted from her dress like soft extensions that were quickly cut off as the drifted to the high walls and ceiling of the large home.

The silence breaking clicks of her long heels echoed through hallway. As loud as they seemed they were only a whisper compared to the child's voice that spoke out to her making her freeze completely. "W-who are you?" She turned to face the small little boy. Ah this is Vincent's little boy, the one he is trying so hard to save with my captive blood.

"Hello little Ciel... Your father has told me so much about you. My my your so much more handsome then he lets on." Demon or not, she did love children, their souls were just so sweet and delectable!

Small Ciel just held his hands together by his chest and inquired more. "What is your name? Why are you here so late?"

[F/n]'s ruby lips twitched slightly in their smile. What an annoying little bug. "My name is [F/n], I am here because I needed to speak with him, your father that is."


"You do know that curiosity killed the cat, don't you?" The little boy shrugs his shoulders in the most adorable way. [F/n] giggled. She couldn't help herself. She put her cold hands under the boys armpits and lifted him high above her head. She then dropped his body slightly and leaned his groin against her left hip as most do with young children. Ciel just stared into her eyes with his one pretty blue ones. "Such a captivating child! You, I could just eat you up! Well why not! I'll tell you why," she began walking down the hall again as she continued this story. "Your father summoned me because he wanted a bargain. Most people call on me for long-term deals, they are much more reliable. But your father wanted to tend for you longer. Well, I am a demon you see, and he and I are working for our own personal game except your daddy is blackmailing me so I have to do what he says. Now Ciel I'm going to give you some advice, never, ever blackmail a demon."

"W-why not?" He asks with his voice shaky from the cold of the night. [F/n] noticed this and felt pity.

"Because my young one, we don't like being made a fool of, and at some point we will have our just deserts." With a wave of her hand she insulated the child and he shivered from the instant heat. The child looked up in amazement when he noticed they were at his bedroom door. [F/n] opened the door and swung it shut behind them. In long paces she strode to is bedside and laid him down in the mattress. Without speaking she tucked him in. He broke the silence.

"You're much nicer than I though you would be."

Again a warm smile crept up onto her soft and delicate face. "I am not like most demons. I no longer crave pain of others... Well... Most" she added thinking of the Earl's cocky grin when he flashed the vile of her blood.

"Can you tell me, how do you summon a demon?" This made her scowl.


"I just want to know in case, so that I may call you to help me... I feel like bad things are going to happen to me soon." His aqua eyes begged her own. She sighed in defeat and whispered the secrets of summoning to him and warned him of what dangers could happen. She told him that if any other being answered his calls that he was to tell them that she was his initial caller and that she highly disliked other's interrupting her calls. Afterwards she kissed him on the forehead and watched him fall asleep.

When his mind was in it's sleep state she brushed some of his pretty grey locks off of his forehead and grinned. She herself had always wanted children, but there was no way that she wanted to bring another child of hell into this world. Knowing the evils that she had brought already was mind troubling enough.

Finally she fled through the window and out into the woods. Her feet seeped into some of the more muddy areas but the wet earth didn't dare stain her perfectly polished black shoes. As the woods grew thicker the smell of smoke grew in density as well. What on Earth could that be out here in the middle of nowhere? Then it clicked.

The only place anywhere around.

The Phantomhive manor.

A crater was left from the quick pivot of her left. four-inch heel. For once she thanked her sins for getting her the speed of a puma. It was her demon sign of course. It allowed her to run fast, but not fast enough. When she reached the clearing all she saw was fire. So much fire. In nearly half an hour the entire building had been engulfed in flames. But that's not what brought her to her knees in despair.

There was no sign of life in the building whatsoever.

Shinning, blue eyes sparkled in her head. "NOOOO!" The awful shriek erupted from her throat and spewed over the crackling of the flames. Soon she was back on her feat searching the building. The fire didn't dare touch her, because it was afraid of getting burned.

Her pink eyes searched each and every corner of the building looking for the boy's body. He at least deserved a proper burial. Heat seeping through her cells in a rush to send her to ashes, she marched on.

She stopped her searching when she reached the study and there was Vincent and his pretty little wife, sown together. Of course. Work of evil. The sight was sickening, revolting, petrifying, and gruesome. Oh how delicious! My dear Vincent! This is how we come to an end isn't it? How tragic! You gave up everything didn't you? Even my blood. I don't smell it. You must have given it to them didn't you? You little swine you! Oh and your small wife, I'm almost sorry about her. Though I'm not. What really gets me is your son. You dirty bastard! You stalled and now he is dead! Vincent you had one job and that was to protect your family and you failed!

"Vincent, I'm ashamed of you."

-Many days later-

Dammit, this is going to hurt.

She though as she stood in front of the old wooden shack. This was the day of her cleansing. The day where she decided that she was going to quit her life of evil. Not that she had much of a choice, some creep out there had a vile of her demon blood and could do things to her that could be as sever as mind controlling her to kill others or herself. Pulling her shawl closer to her body she entered the shack. She wasn't cold, just nervous.

The shack was remarkably clean for a witch doctor. A charming young man greeted her with a comforting smile. One so youthful it painfully reminded her of the child she had meet a week or so ago. He had shaggy brown hair that happened to be the exact same color as his bright eyes. "Ah hello [L/n]! What a pleasure to have you here! I assume you have decided to continue with the procedure?" He says cheerfully.

"Yes Tod, and it is swell to see you as well..." She says with reluctance. A strong smell of salt and burning metal stung her nostrils. She moaned inwardly knowing what they will be used for in the following hours.

"Spiffy! Well if you would just, ah this is awkward! You're going to have to strip down and get into this here robe." He says handing her a long brown robe. She hesitantly takes the robe in her left hand and eyes it cautiously. "Don't worry, I washed it up real nice! Not many folks use it anyways. You're the first customer I've had for this procedure in over 100 years!" This didn't help.

[F/n] waited for him to turn his back and began to strip her clothing. The brown material was mostly soft as it glided along her skin. It was definitely not what she was used to. Her body felt unprotected as it was just hidden by the brown robe that she held tightly to herself. Tod swung around with a bowl of things in his hands. "Go on! Slide up on the operating table. Make yourself comfortable!"

It had begun to annoy her how positive he was.

She followed the instructions and laid along the cool metal of the table that tapped her heels. She feared not of the promised pain that was about to be applied to her, but of the after results. She no longer feared death, but she did fear the unknown. This world that she was going to step into was totally strange and alien to her, what was she thinking? Was it too late to back out?

"Hey, [F/n]. I hate to ask. But what happened to that black dress you used to wear? It was mighty fine and fitted you perfectly. Not that I don't like this red one." Her doctor asked as he fiddled with some strange equipment.

She cleared her throat before responding,"It was ruined in a fire."

"Ah, tragic." He has no clue. "Well! I think I done got all I need! Ready to begin?" He says walking to the table side. [F/n] nods and steadies her eyes to the light that dangled above her head. "Alright, leave it all to me!" That was such an understating slap of horse shit.

She felt the robe being slightly pulled off of the left side of her body. The cool air in the room quickly attacked her bare skin and sucked goosebumps to the top of her flesh. On such normal occasions a young lady would be nervous, [F/n] was only a bit annoyed with the sudden movement.

Seconds later a gloved had was smearing some warm liquid over her left breast. Again, annoyance stung through her body at the thought of this immature boy handling her body in such ways. He began to mumble somethings in Latin that she could kinda understand. It was mumbled and hard to make out. For moments her body was untouched. Just the mumble of the boy's spells throughout the room.

It was almost peaceful to the point that the acid pouring along [F/n]'s belly made her entire body tighten and a low growl escaped her lips. Instantly, Tom began to latch her arms and legs down to the table with belts and continued pouring the holy water along her body. Many hours past of inhumane screams, threats, and begs of mercy. The entire time Tom was getting closer and closer to finishing the deed.

Finally, after five long hours of intense agony, Tom was at his last step.Her body was mostly naked by now. The robe was only a blanket and rag for the blood that stuck to her back. It had been pushed around as she had been thrashing misery. Ugly gashes, burns, and bodily fluids were stuck to her body from the countless healing techniques. Most of the fluid was blood and a orange-clear looking goop that he constantly used. It was the first thing that he had used to stabilize the heart but eventually, like always with these things, the blood and injury was just too excessive. He took a beautiful silver dagger that was crafted so delicately and aimed it right over [F/n]'s heart. "Now, finally. I heal you of your sins and redeem you as a child of God!" He yelled, sounding quite mature, and dug the intricate blade into her chest. The mess on her body was so thick that it coated his gloves as he did so.

A howl emitted from her throat when he yanked it back out. Streams of white light poured through the room blinding them both. Tom fell to the ground and covered his eyes. A high pitched whining noise struck away his hearing for about thirty seconds. When it had returned, he heard a harmonic laughter.

He opened his eyes to see the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. Sitting straight up on the table, all restraints gone, perfectly healed and clothed sat an remarkably stunning young lady. Her silky skin had been shaved, softened, and healed. A elegant blue dress was fitted to her body just so. The color really showed her natural beauty unlike the black which did no harm to her looks but certainly made the idea of fear stronger.

Now she was approachable. Her [H/c] locks were tied in a neat bun with a blue ribbon. It gave room to show her facial features without the shady block of her hair. Her long, tall, and slim body no longer resembled a long snake. Instead of a terrifying towering woman, she was a beautiful, stunning lady.

Finally, her [e/c] eyes landed on his in such a way that could have made him melt. "Tod! You've done it! You've healed me Toddy!" She cried leaping from the table and down by his side. She took him into a hug and kissed his cheeks repetitively. His heart thrummed in his chest and with each kiss he got hotter and hotter. "Oh Tod how could I ever repay you!" She asked pulled her face from his. She had helped him up but still kept her fingers intertwined with his.

He swallowed hard. "Ah, Um... A kiss would do..." He says in a timid manor. Her smile only widens. He kept the bad news to himself until he got his payment. This was all wrong. He was originally going to charge her 7000 pounds but once he saw her transformed soul he easily changed his mind.

"A kiss for my knight in shinning armor! Of course!" Just as she puckers her lips another man burst through the door. This one much older with long white hair and a scar running down the hidden side of his face. Undertaker, of course.

"Sorry for interrupting, but news is out and I only tell my best of friends. Earl Phantomhive is alive." The man says with a crocked smile. Her happiness withers instantly. Perhaps this wasn't the last step to her freedom.

"Vincent..." She whispers morbidly.

The Undertaker giggled. "No silly, He's long gone and dead! I'm talking about the little Phantomhive boy, whatshisname. Ciel!"

All at one an enormous joy streamed through [F/n]'s veins again. A bring and shinning purpose filled every inch and streamed through her pours. "Hallelujah!" She cries. With a strong pull she yanks Tod close and smacks a big kiss on his lips for celebration. Tod is obviously bewildered and has to sit down from all of the emotion in him. [F/n] on the other hand was up and running, ready to venture back to the Phantomhive manor. "Where kind I find the boy!"

"He's at his newly built manor, along with his new butler. Yes, it's all new. You can go see for yourself!" The Undertaker suggest.

"Thank you Undertaker! And thank you again Tod!" She shouted as she headed for the horse that she rode here on. Tod's voice calls through the building.

"Wait! I have yet to tell you about the side effects!" She didn't care though. The only thing on her mind was the boy that she had grown to love in only a matter of seconds is alive. His pretty blue orbs were twinkling in her head over and over. His soft smile edged into her brain was no longer a sad reminder but a encouraging push down the slide.

Quickly mounting her stead at full speed she yanked the reigns and headed south toward the manor. So much adrenaline! Today was going absolutely perfect! She thought her horse couldn't run faster! It was flawless! Sure her body still had it's little aches of pain but that was nothing compared to the ominous joy in her soul.

Oh bless the Undertaker for communicating the news of young Ciel and his new butler that was serving Ciel! Oh how wonderful! It must have been such a rush to rebuild the entire manor in only two months that-

_Shit._Everything stopped.

It all connected.

Ciel felt endangered for his life, he was saved, his manor was instantly rebuilt. From all of the news that [f/n] had received the building was not going to be commenced until next year. The words replayed over and over in her head.

Along with his new butler. Something was wrong. As she was almost certain she knew what it was. She thought her horse was going its fastest. She was quickly proved wrong when it started running faster.