Ben 10 OC alien: GrueZombie by Multiomniversal124 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So okay sorry for the delay in content. I was trying to figure out what to make as well as feeling a bit out of it, but I’m going to post some more stuff soon after this and my horror movie collection is going to be one of those things.

For now however I will show my latest update on my zombie alien who I have now given a new and permanent name which I think is appropriate for him. So say hello to “Gruezombie”! His Name is a combo on the Words “Gruesome” and “Zombie”, I think it’s a cool name.

For his species lore he is an Ormerowen from Anur Ormerow, one of several different kinds of Ormerowen in fact, his special type is a slasher or soldier form. Now the Ormerowens as a whole are a bit like the Necromorphs where they take one or more Dead bodies and mutate and morph them into different kinds of Ormerowens, some are made from just one dead body while some are composed of more bodies. It also depends on the dead bodies DNA and body type of what ormerowen they will become. Gruezombie is the result of a person like Ben Becoming an Ormerowen, this type being a soldier caste, a warrior meant to defend and wage war for the Ormerowen horde. Now when an Ormerowen is first created while they have the memories and knowledge of the previous person they were born from they do not consider themselves that same person, rather they are a new persona entirely with a different mindset, however some person ticks and habits still exist within them, like tapping one’s foot repeatedly. Now when an Ormerowen bites a normal lifeform that life form dies and is reanimated into a Drone, which is basically a generic zombie that are subordinate to higher Ormerowens and can be controlled by them telepathically. They are used mostly for common work and being used as fodder in wars with other species. True higher Ormerowens are created through injecting viral fluids into dead lifeforms through the sharp ends of their gut Tentacles. It should be noted that other Anur Species are immune to both types of Ormerowen infection. Ormerowens also share a sort of hive mind that links them together. However Ben’s Ormerowen Form is not connected to the hive mind.

Now his powers are the same as his previous incarnations, enhanced strength, stamina, speed, durability, resistance to damage, regeneration, bone blades, spike projectiles, prehensile intestine tentacles, acid vomit/spit, sharp claws and teeth. But his inner mouth I sort of changed to be this assortment of toothy tongue tentacles, the reason I chose to make it that way was because I felt like I was going to have to many aliens that have that xenomorph trait and I wanted to be more original.

So anyway that’s my new take On Gruezombie, hope you guys liked it and please tell me what you think of him down in the comments below