The Tale of Daphne 1. by MyOwnRealm on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Chapter one - Lost in the woods

'My grandmother used to tell me that the ancient forests of Ionia was one entity, one single being. A spirit to be respected like any Pokémon. I would always play there as a child. Curious, energetic and a bit foolish. One time I got lost in those woods while delivering an egg and while looking for tiny mushrooms. I was on the way to our neighbouring village. I wasn't alone however. My friend and companion Larvesta would keep me warm when the night was at its darkest. The trees were tall and made it impossible for the moonlight to greet the Pokémon living on the forest floor among the moss and dirt. Some of the trees would put a wide grin on their faces and make whispers carried by the wind. I still shiver like a Snorunt thinking back to any of those nights. I remember running through the mud and in pools of water while being chased by ghosts. Can you imagine that? And my Larvesta had a firm grip on my back, being equally as scared as I was. But not long after dodging branch after branch and not trying to stumble on a root or two, a glittering stone appeared before us. It was beautiful and it was as if it communicated with our souls.'

A fan story. Do not use the image above (c)