Rainbow 8D by MyrthJ on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is my part of the rainbow trade with :iconskookyspry:
I promised her to make an emote rainbow :D

Please tell me if you think it's to fast, so i can slow it down a bit.

EDIT: Holy crap! :omg:
How the hell did this damn thing get so popular?! :noes:
Since it's impossible (And even if i wanted, i would me to lazy anyway :lol: ) to thank all of you personnaly.
I'll just do it this way :nod:

Thank you guys so much! :heart:

EDIT2: :iconrainbowwaveplz1::iconrainbowwaveplz2::iconrainbowwaveplz3:
It now has 3 plz accounts :nod: :D
All you have to do to use them is type
: iconrainbowwaveplz1 : : iconrainbowwaveplz2 : : iconrainbowwaveplz3 :
Without all the spaces, and you can use this in all of your journals, comments, etc.