Kaa and the Wanderer by MysteryArt901 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Kaa the Snake was out in another world, and he had found himself in the Feudal Era of Japan. He tried his hypnotic ability on the small creatures around him, but they always seemed to have run away. He didn’t have much luck catching them in his coils as much as he tried to eat Mowgli and Shanti. “One meal every two weeks… Just one meal… Is that too much to ask?” Kaa asked being upset that he couldn’t find a good meal. “Oh, it’s hopeless. No meal’s just going to come running to me. I’ll just waste away to scale and bonessss….” Kaa said moping and doping.

“I’ll be very quick!” A young girl’s voice shouted as Kaa quickly slithered and hid in the trees. He poked his head out of the treetops to look below and saw a girl dressed in a yellow and orange checkered kosode, a different type of outfit in feudal Japan. It was Rin, an orphaned girl that had been traveling with her “Lord Sesshōmaru” and “Master Jaken” and she was walking in the forest looking for something to eat. At first, Jaken ordered her to come back, but Sesshōmaru told his companion to “let her be”. He just couldn’t believe it. “Do my sssnake eyes deceive me? A little snack just came to me.” Kaa said as he slithered down and hid in the grass behind Rin.

She looked around and saw some mushrooms growing under the trees as she kneeled down to pick them. “Ahh, these are edible.” Rin said about the mushrooms. “And so are you, girl-cub.” Kaa said in his thoughts. He then began to make a hissing sound, to startle Rin. “Who’s there? Lord Sesshōmaru? Master Jaken? A-Un?” Rin asked looking around until he heard a chuckle above her and gasped to see Kaa coming to her. “Exxxcuuuse me, my dear… Were you looking for something to eat?” Kaa asked smiling. “Perhaps you and I can work sssomething out.”

Rin was paralyzed in fear by the snake who looked like eating her was the only thing on his mind. There was only thing she can do. “Lord Sesshōmaru!” Rin shouted for help, but before she could, Kaa quickly wrapped her tail around her mouth like she was gagging her. “Now now, little one. There’sss no need to call for help. Here. Look into my eyesss and calm yourself.” Kaa spoke to Rin as he began to use his hypnotic eyes on Rin to calm her down so they could be alone.

Rin tried to look away from the Indian Rock Python’s colorful spirals in his eyes, but it was too late for her. Her eyes had changed colors the same as his, and she started to squirming and resisted having to call either Sesshōmaru or Jaken for help. “Isn’t that better, little one?” Kaa asked letting his tail go around Rin’s mouth. “There’sss no need to be afraid. Why not show me a sssmile?” Kaa asked as Rin did just that, smiling at Kaa.

“That’sss more like it. But how about I introduce myself? My name isss Kaa. I’m a friend.” Kaa introduced as he used her tail to play with her hair. “Ma-Ma-Massster Kaa…” Rin spoke being hypnotized saying his name. “That’s right. I’m your Massster.” Kaa chuckled. “Are you hungry?” Kaa asked as his long tail began to coil around Rin. “Ssso am I, my dear. I’m ssstarved.” Kaa said as Rin continues to smile and felt the snake’s tail tickling her bare feet.

She was going to wake up with Kaa having to tickle her, but Rin was starting to fall into a deep sleep feeling the softness of the python’s coils around. “Ssso soft.” Rin muttered in her sleep. “That’s right. Sssleep, my dear.” Kaa said as he began to open his jaw. But before he could eat Rin, the sky began to turn dark and something was behind Kaa.

“What now?” Kaa asked turning around and he was scared of what he saw. “You slippery scoundrel! Release her!” Shouted the pink balloon causing Kaa to run away and dropped Rin who was waking up and screamed when she was dropped to the ground, on a bush. She got up and saw the pink balloon with fox fire around it and shook, until she saw it transform into Shippō the young Kitsune, that means Fox demon.

“Sure showed that snake.” Shippō said as he takes his transforming leaf and he comes to Rin. “You’ll be safe now.” Shippō said to Rin who began to hug him. “I was so scared! Thank you for saving me, little raccoon-dog!” Rin shouted. “Yeah, I’m a fox.” Shippō said annoyed. “Well thanks for your help. You want one?” Rin asked offering a mushroom to Shippō, to his surprise. “It’s one of the mushrooms I picked. You’ll like them.” Rin said giving one to Shippō. “You’re brave to scare that snake demon away. I’m Rin.” She said.

“My name’s Shippō.” He smiled. “Shippō? That’s a nice name.” Rin stated. “Thanks. My father gave it to me.” Shippō said as his tail started wagging back and forth. “Was he a demon raccoon-dog too?” Rin asked causing Shippō’s tail to stop wagging. “No. He’s a fox too.” He said annoyed. “Relax. I’m just teasing.” Rin said as the two laughed and Kaa hid in the grass. “Cursesss. Another attempt to get a meal, ruined. You’re next, little fox.” Kaa said slithering away.


Fanart I made in my spare time. Kaa was about to have Rin for a snack since Kaa hypnotizing girls was all the rage since The Jungle Book 2 with him hypnotizing Shanti. In case no one couldn’t follow the story, here’s how it worked.

1. Kaa comes out from the trees and spooks Rin.
2. Kaa stops Rin from calling out her Lord Sesshōmaru for help
3. Kaa hypnotizes Rin with his gaze
4. Rin becomes hypnotized by the rock python and she smiles at him.
5. Kaa wraps his coils around Rin and tries to eat her.

Unfortunately for him, Shippō comes along and saves her from the hungry hypnotizing hisser. I wasn’t able to draw that part, so I put it in the story.

Kaa the Snake and The Jungle Book belong to Rudyard Kipling/Disney
InuYasha and all its characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi