ND's Sharingans 1 by n00bdude22 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Well, this is some of my work on my own mangekyou sharingans. I used Adobe Photoshop CS2. Note, that 3, 6, 9 and 12 are "Eternal Mangekyou" of the two previous sharignans.

1: I'm quite happy with it.
2: Gone out of place, couldn't be bothered to fix it.
3: Gone out of place.
4: This one's actually the first one I made. I like it.
5: So far looked good.
6: Where the 5th's balls meet the 4th's core, it didn't really get the effect I wanted.
7: On this one it occurred to me that I could use a center rotation method, lol.
8: I like the outside, but the ring does bother me somewhat...
9: My favorite of this collection. I think it has a good harmony between the two earlier versions.
10: This time, I got it accurate on all 3 sides.
11: Kind of reminds me of Madara's mangekyou but still it's not the same.
12: Didn't really amuse me as much as the 9.

So, tell me what you think!

SET2: [link]
SET3: [link]
SET4: [link]
SET5: [link]
SET6: [link]
SET7: [link]

Please, keep in mind that this is my ORIGINAL artwork based on the naruto series which I do not own. Do NOT post copies of my art unless with my premission, since one has already done without premission. Thank you.