Hello, my dear sister! by NagiSpider on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

NagiSpider on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nagispider/art/Hello-my-dear-sister-938791876NagiSpider

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NagiSpider's avatar

Published: Nov 27, 2022


Kokuu (left) couldn't wait the day her sister would be first activated. She had always wanted a family. Because she was born as a weapon and was lonely. It may seem strange for an android to want a family. But she is no longer alone.

She thinks:
If I am just a weapon, why did someone who created me give me a personality? I often wondered that. Because if only I didn't have a personality, I wouldn't feel lonely. But I am happy from the bottom of my heart that I can love my family now.

"Hello, my dear sister!"

Image size

2849x3906px 10.54 MB

hellsingokami's avatar

I love the coloring! Your coloring style is so cool! I noticed the tags mention it's digital art; but flit looks traditional! What skill!

And the subject is so cute and endearing. <3