on a cold april night by nami64 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

K I N G H E N R Y V I I & Q U E E N E L I Z A B E T H O F Y O R K , 4 April 1502

The royal couple experienced a heavy affliction by the death of their eldest son Arthur Prince of Wales, on the 2nd of April, 1502, within five months of his marriage to Katherine of Aragon. The conduct of the Queen and King on the death of the Prince has been minutely described: the news -which took two days to reach the palace- was communicated to Henry by his confessor in the early hours of morning, and he immediately sent for his wife. Finding him overwhelmed with grief, she strove to console her afflicted husband with comforting words; soon after leaving Henry's bedchamber, Elizabeth collapsed and began to cry in her own room, giving vent to her maternal sorrow while the ladies sent for the King, who hurriedly came and "relieved her" by his tenderness.
The whole scene is so pathetically described by a contemporary, and the account tends so much to disprove the common opinion, that they lived unhappily together, that the passage will be given:

“Immediately after Arthur’s death, Sir Richard Poole, his Chamberlain, with other of his Counsel, wrote and sent letters to the King and Counsel, at Greenwich, whre his Grace and the Queen lay, and certified them of the Prince’s departure. The which Counsel discreetly sent for the King’s ghostly father, a friar observant, to whom they showed this most sorrowful and heavy tidings, and desired him in his best manner to show it to the King. He, in the morning of the Tuesday following, somewhat before the time accustomed, knocked at the King’s chamber door, and when the King understood it was his confessor, he commanded to let him in. The confessor then commanded all those present to avoid, and after due salutation began to say ‘Si bona de manu Dei suscipimus, mala autum quare non sustineamus,’ and so showed his Grace that his dearest son was departed to God. When his Grace understood that sorrowful heavy tidings, he sent for the Queen, saying that he had his Queen would take the painful sorrows together. After that she was come and saw the King her lord, and that natural and painful sorrow, as I have heard say, she, with full great and constant comfortable words besought his Grace that he would first after God remember the weal of his own noble person, the comfort of his realm, and of her. She then said, that my lady, his mother, had never no more children but him only, and that God by his grace had ever preserved him, and brought him where that he was. Over that, how that God had left him yet a fair prince, two fair princesses; and that God is where he was, and we were both young enough; and that the prudence and wisdom of his Grace sprung over all Christendom, so that it should please him to take this according thereunto. Then the King thanked her for her good comfort. After that she was departed and come to her own chamber, natural and motherly remembrance of that great loss smote her so sorrowful to the heart, that those that were about her were fain to send for the King to comfort her. Then his Grace, of true, gentle, and faithful love, in good haste came and relieved her, and showed her how wise counsel she had given him before; and he, for his part, would thank God for his sone and would she do in like wise.”


just a little drawing about these two because the more i read and make researchs about them, the more i realize how much in love they were!! and the first saying otherwise... I SWEAR I WILL SEND YOU MY DRAGONS!

you know what? on tumblr, the ship name for them is "OTP: f**k you Philippa Gregory" lol :D (Big Grin)

!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT REPOST ON TUMBLR!!!!!!!!!!

media: hands, piece of paper, pencils, photoshop