NandN96 - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)



EXE || CHAPTER 1 PART 1 3 hours before the collapse of green hills hospital just outside central City 2 figures sit at a diner waiting to be served the first figure a female magenta hedgehog stairs through the window looking at how the sky has begun to grow dark faster than usual with a slight tint of red she suddenly gets a chill down her spine as if something was telling her danger was approaching .. Hey ...hey...Did you hear what I said? Huh? Sonia!? The second figure a black and crimson red male hedgehog also felt an uneasy feeling.. Oh sorry I must've spaced out what were you talking about Shadow? He looked annoyed the hedgehog didn't like to repeat himself. I said have you heard or seen Miles lately? I haven't been able to get in contact with him and the last time I spoke with him was a month ago. Sonia looked puzzled at her friend. Really a month huh well ya know Tails he's always busy besides he's probably just doing ya know Dr. Stuff . Shadow wondered if maybe she was right Miles was a very busy Dr. But still he felt uneasy about it.. I'm going to Green hills after this to check up on him an.. I'll go with you! . Sonia abruptly interrupts him.. Making Shadow annoyed once more but once he looks at her sparkling blue eyes his feelings of annoyance just kinda melt away she always looks so happy when she gets to ride with shadow on his motorcycle .. Fine you can come along as well Sonia after we eat then. Wahoo! She was feeling ecstatic as she threw her hands up in the air cheering other people started to staire at her but she didn't care what people thought about her she had that kind of attitude of who cares what everyone else thinks and secretly shadow liked that about her. Anyway shadow what urgent business do ya have with Tails some secret agent stuff .. she whispered so no one could hear. He looked at her with a you know I can't tell you anything kinda look. She giggled knowing that she was right he didn't have to say anything his facial expression said it all. Shortly after a waitress walked up to the pair asking them if they were ready to order they both placed there orders and enjoyed there meal unsuspecting that this moment will be the last time that they have to enjoy peace for darkness evil and unspeakable events were about to occur a nightmare was just about to begin EXE || Ahhhhhhh that was great! I'm stuffed how bout you Shadow the Magenta hedgehog asked her friend with a piece of food smeared on her lip . He took a napkin and carefully wiped away the stain making her slightly blush . Yes I am also full il pay and then we'll head off . He looked around for the waitress but he heard a strange noise come from the kitchen sonia looked in the direction of the kitchen as well. What was that? She questioned the Black hedgehog. I'm not sure but I'm going to find out he stood up from the booth and made his way twords the kitchen door as he got closer to the shiny metal door more strange sounds could be heard he felt someone breathing behind him he turned his head to see Sonia behind him holding a fork. Really a fork? He questioned her. What it's something at least besides I'm your back up now hehehe. He gazed at her trying not to smile. Alright killer let's go shadow spoke as He pushed open the door .Inside the kitchen was a strange air almost like a fog and the temperature was freezing. Brrr I can see my breath shadow the female hedgehog said, Sonia blew a little cloud suddenly something scurried across the floor a rat maybe or something else the pair kept moving forward until they saw a man standing in a corner he was talking but in a language unfamiliar to Shadow and Sonia . Shadow was just about to ask the man if he was alright but he stopped in his tracks when the man's head twisted all the way around his bones crunched and cracked with an uneasy sound then he smiled a big toothy grin his teeth were black and his eyes were glowing orange yellow and red the man then started to hysterically laugh his body then twisted around to match his head and in his hand he held a clever covered with blood he then charged twords shadow and Sonia . Shadow immediately kicked the man in face causing him to crash to the floor but in a second the man popped up off the ground jumped and clung to the ceiling like a spider. Shadow saw a frying pan and chucked it at the man smashing him in the face knocking him down the hedgehog didn't take any chances this time and knocked out the man Sonia looked at the cook with disbelief. Eh what the fuck just happened? She asked her friend. I have no idea but that was unnatural just as shadow spoke the cook tried to take a bite out of the hedgehog but failed due to Sonia impaling the fork she had in the man's head. She then began to freak out. Oh my God I just killed that guy! She started to breathe heavily shadow took both his hands placed them on her shoulders and looked at her telling her it was self defense she gazed at his red eyes knowing everything was going to be alright . Okay you're right he tried to kill you but what the hell was up with his face , she was still breathing heavily. I'm not sure but I suggest we leave this place. The pair ran for the door and thew it open but to there horror more people had the same grin with black teeth and glowing eyes some even had claws and all of them were laughing maniacally . We're going to have to fight our way out Sonia shadow looked her dead in the eyes but also with confidence he knew she had what it took to survive. Alright tough guy lead the way she said while giving him a wink . Shadow balled up his fists he was very experienced in hand to hand combat Sonia grabbed a kitchen knife that lay on the bar her specialty was knife fighting and a mixture of just go crazy the 2 hedgehog's prepared to fight 1 of the crazed people shouted something in a language unfamiliar to Shadow or Sonia the 2 looked at each other puzzled wondering what it was saying but it didn't matter they didn't have time to figure out riddles it was flight or fight time. The crazed people shouted and started charging twords the pair shadow kicked 1 of them in the face knocking it into another crazed person the hedgehog then punched them so hard they flew into a group of other crazy people he then grabbed a crazy person by the head and broke its neck snap like a twig. Sonia wasn't just standing around doing nothing oh no she was slitting throats and kicking ass just as much as shadow she suddenly felt her body hit the floor she dropped her knife as she hit the ground a crazed person tackled her down and was trying to bite her face off she quickly reached out for anything to strike the man with she grabbed a hold of a spoon. A fuckin spoon seriously! She stated in annoyance she pulled her arm back and splat right in the middle of the man's head she kicked him off and pulled out the spoon running twords shadow she tossed the the utensil so hard it jammed into 1 of the men that was trying to tackle shadow the pair fought tooth and nail shadow smashed his foot down on the last crazy person pinning it to the ground it started screaming so loud it was like nails on a chalkboard only 1 word could be made out mother.. shadow smashed the man's head like a water balloon any longer and it felt like there heads would've popped The pair looked at one another it felt like this was going to be a long night they stepped out of the restaurant and focused their eyes on the sky for the moon was dark red like blood and the sky itself was black as well not a single star could be found suddenly screaming came from the distance and that strange language followed shadow turned to Sonia. We need to get out of here let's head to Green hills, Sounds good let's get the hell outta here! Sonia stated the 2 hedgehog's dashed for shadows bike he quickly fired up the engine and within a moment they dashed down the highway leading to Green hills hospital unknowing that green hills was the last place they should go ... CHAPTER 1 PART 1 end ..