Dzoavits Icon by NecroticXVII on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

NecroticXVII on DeviantArt

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NecroticXVII's avatar

Published: Apr 23, 2014


I think that's how you spell his name.. I'm not sure. It's different.
Icon for IdgafIddy
I am, so.. so, sosososososo very sorry for taking so long.
I had it done, but never shaded or finished the symbol and just, lajbljasfbsaf
It caught me at a bad time, so I left it ;;
I've had no motivation for like, forever.. It's depressing. I'm sorry again.
Here's your icon. ;;

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50x50px 1.86 KB

Akussii's avatar

./wiggles with excitement.
Thank you so much. :heart: it's amazing. You did a wonderful job and I love it.
Honestly, I can't spell his name without looking at what I've put down originally. I picked one to difficult for even me to remember. Way to go me. Woot.

Don't fret, it was well worth the wait. I was in no rush. <3