FaceYourArt by NekoPurrincess on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

NekoPurrincess on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nekopurrincess/art/FaceYourArt-795739374NekoPurrincess

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NekoPurrincess's avatar

Published: Apr 29, 2019


thought i'd do this as well xD

although im not tooo proud of my faces :{

luu is the only guy here and you cant even tell lmao

but uhh i hope you like :>

Image size

3000x3000px 7.94 MB

JadenBerry's avatar

Your art is so beautiful and wholesome I LOVE it. Thanks for feeding my eyes with such wonderful art! Wink/Razz Also just realized we almost share the same birthday :D (Big Grin) mine is 6th of may, let's go Taurus ahah