Steven Universe: Something Something Pork Rinds by Neodusk on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Neodusk on DeviantArt

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Neodusk's avatar

Published: Jul 12, 2015


I'm on tumblr or whatever I guess.

NEWEST: SU: The Gems Can't Babysit by Neodusk

NEXT: Steven Universe: Inside Steven by Neodusk

PREV: Steven Universe: The Birds and the Space Bees by Neodusk

FIRST: Steven Universe: Open Mind by Neodusk

Fandumb: Fandumb #54: Good Bad News by Neodusk

This is a parody and I make no money off it.

Updates every weekend.

This joke had kind of been on the back burner for a while and because I'm a lazy bum who can't think of any new ideas to make jokes about an already comically inclined children's cartoon you go.

Please comment and enjoy.

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1350x4650px 1.3 MB

BrightBulb13's avatar

Pearl is a pretty jealous lady