Chizome Kamura by NeonMog0o0 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I look down to see a paper in front of me with a name on it.

"Oh my... My little girl's a genius!!" A familiar woman's voice rang out causing me to look over to see the woman with long dark purple hair and brown eyes. "There's no doubt in my mind this woman and that woman I saw before, even though she had much shorter hair are the same person." I think as I smiled up at her.

"Did, I do good Mommy?" I ask causing her to nod with a bright smile. "I believe Shiki called her Chizome, but how did they know each other?" I wonder.

"Yes!!" Chizome chirps as she looks over at the paper causing me to follow suit. Looking closer I see two words written on the paper. "Tsubaki... Kamura, so this is my full name, huh?" I wonder as I feel something wet hit my face causing me to look up.

"Momma?" I question as I look up to see tears falling down her face.

"Did I upset you?!" I exclaim with a worried expression, but she quickly shakes her head.

"No, no Tsubaki... You're just getting so big." Chizome insists as she begins wiping her face, but I then grab one of her hands and put on a serious expression.

"Don't worry Mommy, no matter how big I get I'll always be with you!" I proclaim, but then my vision goes black. "She didn't seem like a person to throw away her child, but people can change..." I think as my eyes flutter open to see a pair of purple eyes staring back at me.

"You're awake." Fuyuko declares with a numb expression causing me to sit up, but I'm then embraced.

"I'm so glad!" Sozo chirps as she clung to me and I glance over to see Hatsu with a worried expression.

"What happened?" I ask, but Fuyuko then pulls out a tiny hammer that then grows super big and drops it on my head causing Sozo to back away from me.

"Ow what the-"

"You didn't go to the restroom, did you?" Fuyuko asks interrupting me causing me to put on a confused expression, while grabbing my aching head.

"Principle Shiki said he had found you in the forest unconscious." Sozo adds causing me to look down at the blanket. "Oh you know the Mom that abandoned me just suddenly appeared in front of me and Shiki, who has a connection with her made her throw a smoke bomb and disappear." I think, but Hatsu then clears his throat causing us to look over at him.