Knight 36 -SLCanon- by NevermoreFox on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Alecia


EvergreenNickname: Sleepy

Age: 24



Race: Lumenari

Weight : 175lb

Build: Healthy

Class: Cleric

Sexuality: Undecided

**Gear:**-Anti magic blade: This blade is actually reforged from a solid metal rod, with the same properties as the sword. The rod was her main weapon for the time she spent with adventurers.

-Standard Shield

-Hip pack: Filled with herbs.

-Hidden dagger


-Alecia is a bit quiet when on her own but when with others, in small groups, she can be quite loud. Until there is more then 9 she starts to quiet down and become a bit of a fly on the wall.

-When drinking she tends to get a bit musical, and light on her feet, taking to dance and song more freely then she would sober. She might even share the Sung Poem about The Blue Robed Monks.

-When under stress she gets loud, and easily agitated. More so when someone's life depends on her or someone around her.

-Their sense of humor is punny, cant help but chuckle at the worst ones.

-She gets annoyed if she's pestered by the same person for the same thing, over and over, despite any thing she does for them.

-She doesn't have any true irrational fears, she has a rational fear of heights and a small fear of just going to sleep at night causing her to loose sleep.


At a young age Alecia was plagued by nightmares that left her afraid to sleep at all, and left her parents constantly terrified for the health of their child, mental and physical. The daughter of a Smithy she could ill afford to be looked at by the mages that sold their services at an unbelievably high price, through the thieves guild, with no guarantee of a real cure. Her parents refused to owe the guild anything that they could be extorted for at a later date. It took the exchange of favors with a family friend and a far amount of debt to a local lord to enroll the little Alecia into a small school for clerics, run by The Sisters of Mercy*, A little known faith that trains paladins and clerics. Their main belief is in two gods, the Lovers**.

Upon being accepted, both as a student and a project she was sent to the grounds of the main Convent. Far to the north-east away from the South-western shore where she was born and lived. Over a few months the Sisters at the convent tutored her in the life magics and cared for her dreams, where they learned that she actually had prophetic dreams in the form of nightmares. Instead of trying to cure her of them completely they and her came to the decision to simply control the dreams and make use of the 'gift'. It was then she learned that she could even trigger the dreams independently, though she would be hard pressed to do so.

She spent her latter adolescent years as well as her early teens growing up in the Convent of the Sisters of Mercy. Learning tales and lessons of Great and Terrible people. Wise and Foolish. Many of these tales she memorized and to this day hold onto. During her later years of attending the Convent she volunteered in the assisting in preparing new arrivals for the stresses of being away from home.

Once she graduated she spent some time at home, Preforming Last rites for criminals, burial rites for the dead, and even healing the local populace of minor wounds they sustained during farming or their everyday jobs, earning whatever anyone wanted to give her for her tasks. Accepting the coin or gifts with a smile every time. She truly enjoyed what she did, she felt she made a difference in the corrupted land. However, when the opportunity to be hired on by a party of Adventurers that specialized in ridding areas of undead, she jumped at the opportunity to see the world and help more people then just her home town and the local government.

Two years she adventured with them, travailing across Ashton, Veritas, and Lustra. Cleansing areas of undead as well as ridding the same areas of Necromancers that found themselves on the wrong side of the moral compass. Various villeins fell to the the group, earning them a slight bit of renown as a group. Until their numbers dwindled and the party company disbanded, Renown fading quickly into history.

Instead of returning home however, she heard tale of a woman rallying the good people of Lustra to her side, Some from meager upbrining, much like herself. Others were strong warriors in their own rites. And she went to it like a moth to the flame, She couldn't help but be drawn to a place where she could do so much good.

Hobbies: -She likes to read large books on magic and occasionally a story or two that most would blush to read, as well as write a journal and letters for those who do not know how to write or have not gone to schools.

-When not reading or writing she might be found inside her room chipping away at the smooth surface of stones to be made into runes that she hands out to those that want them.

-Drinking and carrying on with her Close friends in the Great hall.

**Skills:**- Medium to high level, on target, healing spells. Able to stem the flow of blood, close wounds and quicken the rate of healing; To pull a weakened and gravely wounded person back from the brink.

- Low to medium level, self-target, healing spells. Able to slow the flow of blood, and close wounds. She is also able to subdue or trigger her nightmares at will is a small collection of these spells.

- Prophetic Nightmares. These nightmares are terrors that strike during her sleep, and bring forth knowledge of the future to those who know how to interpret them. Not always telling tales of misfortune, the terrors sometimes bring nuggets of good news warped in terrible dreams.

- Rune carving, Novice level

- Shielding and protection wards, Weak

- Holy magic- The only offensive magic she is technically capable of using is Magic focused on taking out undead, in their varying forms. Meant to damage whatever ties the force that is reanimating the creatures, and dispel it. She may also use it on the living, as the magic may be able to deal physical damage, depending on the form she channels it into.

- Undead Slaying- After spending 2 years before joining the knights putting down undead Across Lustra and Veritas, She knows of a few ways to stop the things from getting back up, From magic to pure force.


- Can be slightly crass and curt.


Ser Carter Adder-
Knight-Captain Drake Adder-
Sir Dyne Namos-
Ser Jesiax Stevalia-
Mage Mercer -
Ser Moira Ler-
Ambassador Rowan Redblade-
Ser Skyver Leaph-
Sister Tavi Leaph-
Mage Thallassa-
Maiden Tam

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