NeverSeenHerSmile User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Deviation Spotlight

creepy. by NeverSeenHerSmile, visual art


Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (75)

My Bio

Current Residence: at the end of a rainbow.
Shell of choice: she sells seashells on the sea shore. The shells that she sells are seashells I'm sure.
Skin of choice: his.
Favourite cartoon character: annabelle, lenore.
Personal Quote: all I ever wanted was... everything.

Favourite Visual Artist

dirge, burton, wright, fsc, tarantino.

Favourite Movies

batman returns, the fool of the world and the flying ship, repo!, forrest gump, the fall...

Favourite Writers

serena valentino, roman dirge.

Favourite Games

anything with bright colors and loud noises.

Tools of the Trade

marker, pencil.

Other Interests

art, movies, crafts, you.

You guys (: First of all, I'm so very sorry for not being around and for not answering your messages for a long time but I will, I promise, as soon as I get home. I've been away from my own computer for quite some time now, but I'll get back to every single one of you by the end of the summer. And second, thank you so much for not forgetting me and Raven, my inbox is full of comments, notes, llama badges (what are they?) and even congrats (I can't believe I actually got a birthday present from one of you!). So thanks, you guys really are the best :heart: And please, continue sending me stories about yourself, like I've said before, this jo

my other account ~inkq ( people :iconluluberylium: :iconblackbirdpie: :iconvinroc: :iconketchup-suicide: :iconmakani: :iconsnowmask: :iconprettylines: :iconmikeshkaos: :iconwounderful: :heart: me

this is the first time I've been tagged, so thanks a bunch ~FeatherSan ( 1. Post these rules. 2. Each tagged person should post 8 facts of themselves. 3. Each tagged person should feature 8 deviations from people in his/her gallery 4.Tagged people should write a journalblog about these facts. 5. In the end tag and name 8 people. 6. Go to their dA pages and comment saying that they are tagged. --------- 8 facts about me. 1. If I don't get a cup of coffee every single morning I will simply fall down and die. 2. I think the person who invented stand-up comedy should rule the Universe. 3. People keep telling me I look like Avril Lavig

Profile Comments 436

Share something???


N MY CREEPYPASTA GROUP! pleeeeaaaaseeee

Happy Birthday :D

Oh my goodness! I adore your work! Its like a cross between Burton and Edward cute yet so macobre. You must have bought awesome sauce in bulk at a superstore like costco cause you draw some fantastic art!