Custom Curio Imp by NewEon on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

NewEon on DeviantArt

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NewEon's avatar

Published: Aug 9, 2016

570 Views1 Collected Privately


This is the custom imp design I made for xHotaruChu ! It's not approved yet, but I'll just update this later with the edits if there need to be any.

I just wanted to post something so i felt like i was productive today.

ok boi

Curio Imps are a closed species by NewEon no steal!!

Image size

1332x1500px 683.43 KB

qhost-milk's avatar

OMG DUDE IT'S JUST PERFECT [Hamtaro Mouse Emoji-02 (Kawaii) [V1]](
I'm so amazed that you could include all the colors I wanted and how I wanted them
and your coloring style looks just so painterly and awesome *//v//*
thanks again! I definetely need more curio imps asdfghjkl