Marvel Remade by Newworlds117 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

(More to come)

1942- Dr. Abraham Erskine and Howard Stark were in a race to create a new superweapon for the United States military, Dr. Erskine with his super soldier serum and Stark with his ironman project.

Steve Rogers, who'd been rejected from the army for his poor health, was selected to be the first test subject for Erskine's experiment. However once it had been proven successful, German saboteurs murdered the doctor and attempted to steal the remaining serum only to be stopped by Rogers.

At the same time Howard Stark's lab was also attacked. To save his own life he donned the only functioning iron man prototype and fought off his attackers. Hoping to dissuade future attacks, he ended the project but continued to use the suit claiming that Iron Man worked for him.

Rogers, now as Captain America, and Stark would encounter each other numerous times over the course of WWII. However, mere months before Germany's defeat Captain America disappeared.

1962- A teenage boy named Rick Jones drove on to the sight of a Gamma bomb test on a dare. Head scientist Dr. Bruce Banner rushed out to try and get him into a shelter. Banner's assistant, secretly a Soviet agent, continued the countdown and detonated the bomb while both were in the testing area. Afterwards no sign of Banner or Jones could be found with both eventually declared missing/presumed dead.

Over the next several years reports started to arise from the western US of a large man-like creature with dark gray skin. It came to be known as "The Hulk."

1994- Seventeen year-old Peter Parker visited an Oscorp lab for a class field-trip. Unknown to him, a genetically engineered spider had escaped its containment and hitched a ride out on his clothes. That night he felt a sharp pain on his arm, swatted at it and thought no more of what he assumed was an ordinary bug bite. The next morning he woke up on the ceiling.

Peter had been constantly bullied at school and he saw his powers as a way to get back at those who had wronged him. With his newfound strength and speed he proceeded to humiliate everyone he held a grudge against.

1996- Scientists Reed Richards and Susan Storm discovered a wormhole in high Earth orbit that was leaking an unknown form of energy. Plans were made for an expedition to study it and conduct experiments. The remainder of the crew would be made up of Pilot Ben Grim and Copilot Johnathan (Johnny) Storm. Special shields were created to protect the ship from the wormhole's energy but during their installation Richards discovered that the portal was shrinking and would be gone before the scheduled launch. As such corners were cut.Approaching the wormhole, the crew was bombarded by a wave of extradimensional energy and were altered forever.