Captain Amelia by NezumiYuki on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is a little something for my devART sister's October Art Jam. It's yours truly the white ratty cosplaying as Captain Amelia from "Treasure Planet" debuting my first ever attempt at a feline self image, and well since I've been something of a space-pirate fan, with Leiji Matsumoto's Queen Emeraldas as my ultimate fan favorite, I figured I'd go with a nautical themed entry for Foxy's Jam Session. =D

If you're wondering why Yuki/Amelia's colors are a little off, well it's simple really because it would have been difficult to find exactly matching polyvinyl-chloride "PVC" or just vinyl in the right colors unless it was special ordered, so in keeping with that thought I used commonly available vinyl colors to best match Amelia's color pallet and took things from there, so it was a good excuse for my vinyl fetish muse to cut loose and have fun for once! =D

This is in flat shades with highlights because I'm not currently in the mood to do any intense shadowing. :P Anyhoo I hope you all like this, and yes, that is a ball of yarn made up to look like the "Galactic Map" that I'm holding. :XD:

Now if you'll pardon me, I have a sudden urge to bat at this ball of yarn. ;P *Purrrr purrr!!


That's me, Yuki Nezumi :iconnezumiyuki: in a wickedly glossy vinyl cosplay as Captain Amelia.

Capt. Amelia is (C) to the BIG D. aka Disney Studios. =D

Made with :iconphotoshopplz: Elements and :icongimpplz: