The Afflatuses - Owl by Nica--Draws on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Thedas has its fair share of bards and performers. But none come close to the Afflatuses-- a big deal bard order.
The Afflatuses are strict and almost impossible to join-- there are rules and with it strict order. For one, if you join the order, you must put The Muses first, your religion second. You must dedicate your life to art and music... and most of them, if not all, already do.
'The Muses' is a word you heard often when The Afflatuses are mentioned. They are gods and goddesses of arts and inspiration; the leaders say that no, these aren't actual gods but they might as well be, for they are the geniuses who have first created paths for arts to flourish. They study the history of music and arts and the people who created the firsts and made groundbreaking adjustments-- THESE are The Muses. What they dedicate their lives to is art, and who they aspire to be are The Muses and this is the life of a true Afflatus.

The Afflatuses are unique in looks to. They wear over-exaggerated clothes and always an animal mask. The Afflatuses don't show their faces, not often at least. Some, life and die without anybody ever seeing their face. The Afflatuses also recruit artists into the order once every year... they announce a contest and pick then choose from singers, dancers and performers... when a number of people are selected often only one or two actually make it into the order. Many nobles attempted to enter or tried to bribe the order but it never worked. Ever.

Well, let's see what The Afflatuses an offer for Thedas.