Future Adversaries by NicolasRGiacondino on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Happy Wednesday, folks!

I had to hit the ground running on Monday after taking a bit of a breather during the weekend following a lot of heavy deadlines. Thus, i couldn't keep the track of my uploads to the Gallery here; something I aim to rectify immediately :nod:

These two small pieces, collected here for your viewing into one, were warm-ups I did on Monday/Tuesday in-between other assignments, mostly to stretch out my style and see how far I could strip it down and still keep it consistent. If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that I love a simple style. Less is always more for me and it's something that I consciously try and work out every day, as it especially helps me when getting back to my regular schedule and trying to apply it to gain speed and maintain quality on several projects. I also applied color, which is something I can't do a lot of nowadays, but sticking to just two hues of each tone. I find that I tend to overdo it with the color as well, so as challenging as it was, I didn't add more and I was happily surprised at the turnout.
Choosing RoboCop as my subject wasn't hard at all, since it's been playing while I work in my studio and I've such a lovefor that film that I can practically draw these characters blindfolded :D And since it's always good to have balance, I also touched upon the infamous Clarence Boddicker, without whose murderous instincts we wouldn't even have out cherished cyborg in the first place.

As usual, I thank you for your constant support and see you shortly with more material!
