'I am bluemoon, and i will not be your pawn...' by nightpawwzzz on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

anyone recognise one of these characters?? 👀👀

just somthing quick i did for some fanart of moon wolves!

'SPOLIER' ill let you guys read a bit of it...(shhhhh😱)

The tiger's whispers grew louder in his thoughts, offering him power beyond his wildest dreams. "Take it," Kalbihiti urged. "Together, we can rule the night." But the wolf guardian's voice remained steadfast, a beacon of truth amidst the intriguing promises. "Do not let his lies deceive you. The power you seek is not yours to claim."

Bluemoon's paw hovered over the crystal, the power vibrating beneath his pad. He could feel the energy, beckoning him to claim it, whispering of the strength and dominance it would grant him. Yet, the guardian's warning echoed in his mind, a stark reminder of the cost of such power.

With a fierce snarl, he pushed the temptation aside and focused on the wolf's voice. "I am a protector, not a conqueror," he murmured to himself, drawing on the courage that had been instilled in him by his dreams. The crystal's pulse grew erratic, as if it sensed his internal struggle.

Suddenly, the cavern trembled, and the ground beneath their paws began to crack. A deep, resonating growl echoed through the chamber, and the image of the tiger grew clearer in his mind's eye. "You dare defy me?" Kalbihiti's voice thundered, no longer a whisper but a roar that shook the very foundation of the cavern.

Bluemoon's resolve hardened, and he stepped back from the crystal, his eyes never leaving the pulsating stone. "I am Bluemoon," he declared, his voice echoing through the space, "and I will not be your pawn."

Frost, her eyes wide with shock and fear, took a protective stance beside him. "What do we do?" she whispered.

The wolf guardian's voice grew stronger in Bluemoon's mind. "The crystal is the source of his power. You must seal it away again."

Without hesitation, Bluemoon nodded. He knew what he had to do. Frost watched as he approached the crystal, her eyes wide with admiration and fear. The tremors grew stronger, the air crackling with the energy of the spirit's rage. Bluemoon closed his eyes, focusing on the calming presence of the wolf, and placed his paws on the crystal. The power surged, trying to overwhelm him, but he held firm, his mind a bastion of resolve.

The crystal began to dim, the pulse slowing as the runes around the chamber activated. Frost could feel the ground beneath them solidifying as the barrier re-formed. The tiger's growls grew fainter, and the light from the crystal diminished until it was but a gentle glow. With one final push, Bluemoon sent the crystal's energy spiraling back into the earth, sealing the chamber once more. The tremors ceased, and the air grew still, the only sound the panting of the two young wolves.

please enjoy a lil teaser of a scene i wrote, (THIS IS NOT OR HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE SCENE I DRAWED!) this comes later in my comic!!!

i finished my full story so ill upload some more background info which will hopefully help u to understand my comic better!!