Crystal Shine by NightShadow26 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

NightShadow26's avatar

Published: Apr 29, 2021


Name: Crystal Shine.
Nickname: Crystal.
Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry.
Age: Teenager.
Place of birth: Ponyville's hospital.
Place of resistancel: Twilight Sparkle's castle.
Sexuality: Lesbian.

Bio: Since she was a young filly, Crystal Shine have always been interested in her fathers work and when she finally became of age to start training with the guards, she started right away. She takes her job as a royale guard more serious than her princess duties. When Crystal Shine isn't on duties, she hangs out with her friends, but she mostly goes for the calm and cozy way of hanging out.
Crystal Shine doesn't really have a love life, she is to busy with duties, so she just keeps away from anything romantic, but when the time comes, she prefers to date mares

Base: ElementBases

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279x463px 62.46 KB