Danny and Sam Kissing by nintendomaximus on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

nintendomaximus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nintendomaximus/art/Danny-and-Sam-Kissing-563625105nintendomaximus

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nintendomaximus's avatar

Published: Oct 1, 2015


Recently, I decided that it was high time I drew a new Danny Phantom fanart featuring, as given by the title, Danny Fenton & Sam Manson embracing and kissing each other on the lips. I think that it makes a nice companion piece to a similar Tucker/Valerie picture I posted back in May. :aww: Like the Tucker/Valerie pic, I don't have much to say about this drawing of the adorable couple other than that I hope my fellow Danny/Sam fans like it!
Danny & Sam are © Butch Hartman, Billionfold, and Nickelodeon.

Image size

297x496px 141.16 KB

UsagichanBR's avatar

Cute. :)