Here, have a Daisy sketch. by Nintooner on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I've been studying female anatomy and practising incorporating it into my cartoony style of drawing a lot lately. I mostly practiced this on female Pokémon characters because they seemed the most fun for me to draw, as I could incorporate my own headcanons into their personalities and how they interact with others, e.g. Leaf being quiet but mischievous, Kris being pretty level-headed, Lyra being obsessive and fangirl-ish, etc.

I had a period of time where I couldn't draw any Mario characters well at all - that's partially why there's been a big absence of Mario fanart in my gallery. I know a lot of my watchers watched me for my Mario art in the first place, back in mid-2011... even though I was a massive noob at that point. :XD: Anyways, I'm sorry to my Mario-fan watchers. I think I'm going to practise drawing Mario characters again, and try developing their personalities more... Though you may not see much Luigi - he's the only character I just can't seem to draw right anymore...

...Sorry for the massive rant! ^^; Just felt like getting all that off my chest...

About the actual sketch - I just drew this a few minutes ago actually. :XD: I wanted to try a different pose instead of the same old "standing with one hand on hip and other flashing a peace sign with legs slightly apart and face displaying a playful wink and cheeky grin" pose. Came out OK, I guess... The dress could have been done better, but then again, I haven't started working on clothing folds yet! :XD:

Hope you like it anyway!

(And don't worry Fanny, I'm still working on your gift! ^^;)

Princess Daisy © Nintendo

EDIT: Added her left earring. :facepalm: