OP Liar Liar by Nire-chan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Nire-chan's avatar

Published: Jan 18, 2011


I drew another little comic thingy... mostly its Shanks and Whitebeard bein assholes to each other.

This page is called Liar liar... for no particular reason... (Imightbelying)
I didnt feel like finding refs for Whitebeards purple beanbag thrown of awesome... w/es I DID MY BEST (butImightbelying)!

Shanks is SO much fun to draw with a look of sheer depravity... :'3

2. Pussywhipped- [link]
3. NOU- [link]
4. He knows- [link]
5. Karma- [link]

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568x739px 392.59 KB