Nomads-of-Korsun - Student, Filmographer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)





Film & Animation

My Bio

I am a amateur producer and writer. My goal is to create an entertaining action/drama visual novel in an intriguing setting, with well developed characters, and an intriguing plot.

This project will likely be one of my most difficult undertakings, but I have been working on it for a few years during my spare time and feel confident that with enough effort I can manage a limited release of what I have.

I will be building this fan page in an attempt to draw in fans and other curious individuals into the visual novel this project will eventually create; hopefully then when I am ready to release the full content on you-tube I will encounter more success than if it were released with no previous background.

While I create this project I'll continue to release characters, back stories, and clips to help give the fans something to watch and to make the page both entertaining and more informative as to the characters personalities and motivations.

Thanks, feel free to chat with me about the project and any questions you may have. So long as it doesn't spoil anything I will be happy to reply.

Favourite Movies

Count of Monte Cristo, Gladiator, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven

Favourite TV Shows

Merlin, Firefly, Stargate SG1, Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire

Favourite Books

The Prince, Art of War, Wealth of Nations

Favourite Writers

Machevelli, Sun Tzu, Adam Smith

Favourite Games

Oblivion, Mount and Blade: Warband, Civilization 5, Skyrim, Minecraft

Favourite Gaming Platform

PC, Ps2, Xbox 360

Tools of the Trade

Flash CS5

Hello everyone! - Thanks for all the support on this page the last 10 years, I am pleased to discover I have crossed the threshold of 1,000 watchers as of this month. - While I am very happy with this, there's still a ton of work left to do. My team and I are working hard to try and finish up the 2nd half of concept arts that are still in progress to finish the first 16 episodes of the visual novel. - Once those are finished, we are planning on pairing the concept arts (in a bit of a slideshow) with the already recorded voice acting and already composed music. - Currently I think we'll be done with it sometime in the spring of 2025, though if we have any setbacks I might have to revise this date (as I have had to in the past). - Regardless, when that is ready, we'll be posting it episode by episode weekly onto Youtube for free. - Then I'll probably see if there's enough time to make post a few of the "bonus" scenes that got finished but are beyond the scope of what I have time to work

Just saw logging in this morning that the page has gotten up to 40,000 views, thanks everyone for all your visits, comments, and watches supporting the page. I know that this project is taking far longer than I first anticipated, but progress is being made on the voice acting front in the background; and in the meantime I've been commissioning visual assets for character cycles, props, background elements, and the last few characters needed to fill the script's roster. That said, aside from the occasional short animation I probably wont be able to show anything off anytime in the near future. Though I fully intend on commissioning concept a

Profile Comments 1.5K

Cake Icon 4, Frosting Happy Birthday! Cake Icon 5, Banana and Chocolate

Have you been enjoying it?

I'm probably going to have dinner on Wednesday (I do all my errands in the middle of the week), but I'm sure it will go about as well as any of the other celebrations.

Thanks! Things have come a long way since I first started this channel.

Keep in mind, a lot of the concept art is the combination of 4-5 people that are all working with me on this project, it's not anything I'm solely creating on my own.

With any luck, a year or so from now I'll be able to show everyone what all this is leading up to.

Thanks for the complement!

wrong person sorry but I discovered your gallery and I love it so much ♥️