Free Avatar: TechChip - Techno Edition by NorthboundFox on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

NorthboundFox's avatar

Published: Jan 20, 2012


Infinite thanks to :iconfirey-flamy:=Firey-Flamy, :iconmadammiakoda:*MadamMiakoda and all the others who suggested this for a DD! Extra special thanks to :iconvalasedai:^ValaSedai for approving it! I'm so stoked!


Afternoon Edit: To everyone taking the time to comment on this piece; I really, really appreciate it! As an artist, hearing feedback of any kind of on my creations is the absolute best thing I could ask for and you all are just making my day! If I've not responded to your comment yet it's only because I've not gotten to it! If you've taken the time to write even the smallest thing then I will MAKE the time to respond! Again, a massive thanks to every single one of you! This is why I love sharing art and why I'll continue to do so!


Download on the side to use as your avatar! :dummy:

This is a Tron-like variation of my TechChip avatar as requested by :iconfoxnightly2010:~foxnightly2010! I have to say, this was really fun to make :D


Current Variations

Avatar © 2012 Aron Maguire

Image size

50x50px 12.28 KB