[Tibumeru] Lavinia by NotLucy on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

★ [N]ame: Lavinia

★ [G]ender: ??? Referred to as he

★ [A]ppears: 19

★ [A]ctual Age: 19

★ [P]ersonality:

Vengeful || Passive-Aggressive bitch || Holds Grudges || Blunt || Possessive || Territorial

Lavinia is not someone who will stay quiet. He takes everything too literal and personal, so he gets offended easily-- and if someone offends him, he fights back. Therefore, he doesn't appreciate jokes or people who take everything lightly. Childish people specially irk him off. It's not that he's very mature himself, but at least he's not always joking around.

Everything must be done as he says, the way he wants, or he doesn't like it. If someone stands against his world he will most likely hold a grudge at them and seek revenge in some way, asides of his passive-aggressive insults.

It may be hard to be friends with him at the beginning, but if someone turns his friend-- he will get all possessive over him/her. In the end, he will be pretty clingy and stick around them as much as possible.. even if his crappy behavior stays the same!

★ [H]obbies: Teasing people

★ [H]istory: TBA e v e

★ [B]ad [H]abits or [S]pecific [T]raits:

:bulletpink: Tends to get physically aggressive when embarrassed

:bulletpink: Tends to say harsh things he doesn't really mean when embarrassed orlz

:bulletpink: Freaks out when people get too close or personal

:bulletpink: Can be pretty childish himself

:bulletpink: Freaks out when around large crowds

★ [L]egend: WHATEVER

★ [T]heme [S]ongs: TBA

**★ [E]xtra:

:bulletpink: Enjoys being alone

**★ [S]tats::

Level 01

>> HP ;; ★★★★★

>> ATTACK ;; ★★★★★

>> DEFENSE ;; ★★★★

>> SPEED ;; ★★★★


>> WEAKEST STAT ;; Intelligence


Lavinia (c) Inary001

Design (c) NotDamien