Defender 2012 by nudagimo on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Mein Dank richtet sich an alle Fotografen und Künstler, die ihre Werke freundlicherweise zur Verfügung stellen.
Ohne die Erlaubnis dieser Künstler, ihre Werke zu verwenden, wäre die Gestaltung meiner Grafiken nicht möglich.

My thanks is directed to all photographer and artists who make their works available kindly.
Without the permission of the artists to use their works, would be designing my graphics not possible.

This is a birthday gift for :icondieffi: :iconrebel-outlaw: :iconfleadreams: :iconstephanie-inlove: :iconabu-hany:

Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best and for the New Year always health and happiness.


Background: [link]
Ballerina: [link]
Swan: [link]
Aurora Brush: [link]
Water Splash: [link]
Hair: [link]
