Kurai Ref by NukeRooster on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

New ref, I've shared some info about him below for those interested. I'm still trying to name important areas and may change them from time to time.

Kurai Ricross pronoucned Cure-ay or Kur-ay Rye-cross, often called the 'Eclipse' after the events that take place at the House. Before that time, he was the Lead General of Vladimir, commanded the entire country's army and was well respected by allies and enemies. He is not a true resident of Vladimir; his own homeland lies far north in a secluded region of fierce winters and short yet fruitful summers called Niacuiaro (Nia-su-aro). His father was pronounced deceased many years earlier as a soldier of Vladimir, his mother still lives in Niacuiaro as a guard, huntsman, and caring for a small orchard yard. Kurai left home, as a few others have, to join Vladimir's army. Vladimir is in the heat of war with huge bands of nomads looking to stake claim to areas of Vladimir and call it their own. As a world army, Nicacuiaro's leaving men and women have belief that if they aid Vladimir in their war, that the brute of it will not tread north into their own country. Many have signed blood contracts that bind them to Vladimir until the war has ended. Kurai quickly gained status as a soldier and was pronounced General. He was relatively successful in his position, though others saw this quick status change from a frontsman to a General too immediate and events turn within Vladimir...

Niacuiaro is one of the few places Archs can be found-a winged immortal (ageless, not invincible) being who's origins are much older than most.

This ref is his quad form, used for traveling, quickness, or as a visual sign of 'I do not wish to speak.' He cannot carry on any form of conversation with words, but can throw out many ques with body language, barks, snarls, whines, hisses, and yowls. His bipedal form is used for communication, handling objects easier, and presence.

Kurai is also omnivorous and can...and will eat fruits, veggies, and grains as well as meat. His years number around 400, but has the physique of a 20-30yr old man, but after bearing the Eclipse's curse for a short while, his health is very poor. He becomes lethargic and looses weight, and a weakened SA node resulting in a slowing, low heartbeat number. Cell walls and the walls of the main arteries and veins around his heart are fragile and easily bruised, the pressurized Aorta is most damaged. The lung's bronchi, alveolar ducts, and alveoli's are inflamed causing bouts of coughing up thick blood and fluid-breathing is labored similar to someone with chronic bronchitis, more often when settling at night/sleeping. The strength he has must be expressed through short cycles of resting and movement (in a fight or movements that require a lot of energy.)

Loves fruits, lean meat, and bread

Content, quiet, quick, uses eyeballed calculations instead of raw math,relies on sight memory/visuals than words, short lived conversations, light footed, seeks out silence and natural sounds, prefers very few in company, sleeps for very long periods of time, loves comfy things and hiding in them, enjoys the arts and music, cannot fend off cold weather well but does not like overbearing heat/mugginess, strangely submissive to Travis (becomes a valuable friend in our world)

wears lots of feathers, beads, scarves, bands, worn leather, collars, and metal/glass ornaments
*the Eclipse must be with him after his status as General is omitted. The Eclipse houses a curse that cannot be physically seen, heard, smelled, or felt. Kurai becomes a host to this curse and is the reason for his declining health. There is also a brand on his right shoulder of the Eclipse.

The spur on his back legs are mostly ornamental but can be used as defense (tear open the abdomen for example), icy blue slitted eyes that can see in color surrounded by dark markings that is prevalent on all Archs, eyesight is only slightly better than a humans in the dark and relies on hearing and touch

Around the height of an Irish Wolfhound, known as Travis's 'dog' in our world.