Oliver and Clara (1) by nunin8422 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Oliver was just about the nicest guy you could ever meet. He was kind and warm, welcoming and good-humored, the basic definition of southern charm. He was pretty good looking too, with nice brown hair and beautiful bright blue eyes. Despite being seemingly outgoing, he was actually quite shy. Which, unfortunately his timidness was a result of an unfair history of being bullied. He grew up as a chubby kid and as he got older he graduated into the category of, well, to put it plainly, fat. In his teen years he realized a passion and love for the culinary arts, he was actually quite gifted. By 16 he could make just about any elaborate dish. From fine dining to southern soul, anything you could possibly ask of him he could prepare it absolutely flawlessly. He loved cooking as much as he loved eating, which meant with all his practice and gluttonous behavior he had grown into a big fluffy marshmallow of a man. His weight didn’t bother him much though. He was naturally very tall and had a lot of muscle under his thick layer of fat, meaning basic mobility wasn’t really a problem. Though, since he was so big, he was frequently the subject of teasing and bullying. Not only was he tormented about his weight, but for most of his teen years he wore braces and the kids at his high school sure got a kick out of teasing him for his metal covered smile. Unfortunately his treatment extended out to his early adult years, but luckily for him it was nothing extreme so he didn’t feel too odd as a 20 year old who still had braces. He was truly a very happy guy though, always making the best of his situation.

Oliver was also in a long term relationship with his extra cute girlfriend, Clarabella. Clara was an adorable little chubby girl. She was very short, about 5’2, but very, very curvy. She too grew up chubby but never was self conscious about her weight. She had big perky breasts and a rather large bottom and hips to match, giving her a hourglass look even though she was equally soft in the middle. But since she was so short she seemed petite for a big girl. She had long blonde curly hair, rosy freckle covered cheeks, and she wore thick glasses much too big for her face with a strong prescription that made her eyes look all big, but in the cutest way possible. Without them she was practically blind, and unfortunately for her she had a habit of losing them. She wasn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer either, but that didn’t matter, what she lacked in intelligence she made up for in kindness and charm. She worked at a Swedish bakery owned by her family so she was quite skilled at making all kinds of sweets, meaning she shared Oliver’s passion for food.

One day she was working and Oliver had stopped by to visit her. He walked into the bakery and sat down at the counter, equally excited to see his adorable girlfriend and to eat whatever sweet treat she recommended for him that afternoon. “Hey Clara!” He said cheerfully.

“Oh! Oliver!!” She smiled and rushed over, “I’m so happy you came and visited me today! Work is soo boring.” She spoke with a Swedish accent since English was her second language. “How are you today?”

“Great since now i’m seein’ you!” He casually flirted.

“You’re sweet!” She said, blushing and giggling, “Oh! You must be hungry huh? What would you like today?”

“What do you recommend?”

“Hmm... oh!! I made a new batch of vanilla hearts today, they’re still warm. I started making them with a new design, I will show you. Let me go get them!” She rushed off to the back and came back with a small box, “These are them... I think?” She looked closer.

Oliver looked at the box, “Oh no honey these are lemon curd cookies.”

“They are?” She lifted her glasses up and squinted, then put them back on and looked closer, “Ah oh well, I think I need a new prescription!” She giggled, “Well these are good too you want some?”

“I’m sorry Clara I don’t think so.” He groaned and placed his hand on his cheek, “I got a new adjustment this morning—don’t feel too good.”

“Oh Olly my poor baby!” She rushed around the counter, whiningly ranting in Swedish and hugged him, “I’m sorry I’ll get you something nice that won’t hurt okay?” She kissed him gently on the cheek, “How’s chocolate mousse pie sound? Or banana cream?”

“How about both?” He laughed.

“Sure thing, I’ll be right back!” She left and quickly came back with a plate of two hefty slices of pie for her big marshmallow of a boyfriend. She placed them on the counter in front of him and smiled.

“Thanks Clara!” He smiled and quickly dug in.

She watched him happily and then struck up some casual conversation, “So Olly, how’s work?”

“Eh its alright I guess.” He worked at a restaurant as an entry-level chef. He wasn’t really a fan of it though, everyone was always so stuck up and in a bad mood. “Kinda wish I could work somewhere else.”

“How about here?” Clara had brought it up before but Oliver had never really seriously considered it.

“I don’t know Clara, I mean yeah I’d love to work with you... see you every day n’ stuff. But you think your dad would be alright with it? He doesn’t exactly seem to like me.” Clara’s father owned the bakery, and always seemed to behave coldly towards Oliver. He was a big muscular scary guy that communicated in mostly grunts.

“Pappa? No way, he loves you! He’s just quiet towards everyone that’s all. And my sisters like you too! I think you’d be perfect here.”

The idea started to excite him, “They do? I guess if your dad n’ everyone’s okay with it then sure i’d love to work here! I’d quit my job at the restaurant in a heartbeat if he said yes!”

“Oh wonderful! I will ask him later. I’m so excited Olly.”

“Me too!”

Later that day, Clara ran the idea by her family and they all agreed that Oliver would make a perfect fit there. They even let him start the next week. The morning of his first day, Clara handed him his new uniform and he went to go change in the bathroom before starting his shift. It was a white milkman-style outfit with an apron and retro style overseas cap. He changed into it but was met with some resistance with the shirt, he could barely do the buttons over his large belly. Luckily the apron covered it and would save him from any embarrassment. He went out once he was dressed and told Clara, “I think I’m gonna need a bigger uniform.”

She was cleaning off her glasses and squinting at him, “I’m sorry it was the biggest one we had, I’ll tell Mamma to order a new one for you.” Once she put her glasses back on and got good look, she squealed, “Oh my goodness you look so cute!!”

“I do?” He blushed.

“You sure do!! I’m so happy you’re working here with me. Now I get to see you every day!” She hugged him, her arms not even close to wrapping all the way around his big, pillowy body. His hugs were always so soft and it was probably one of her most favorite things in the world.

“Me too!” He smiled big and hugged her back.

As the work day got started, Clara’s father came in and ordered everyone around just as he should as the owner. “Oliver.” He called for him in his deep, heavily accented voice.

“Yea, boss?” Oliver happily awaited his first command.

“Get started on croissants with Clara will you?”

“Yes sir I sure will!” Oliver said happily, following his girlfriend into the back.

Clara’s father was already pleased with Oliver’s work ethic and everyone was happy to have him working there. And Oliver was excited for his future working with Clara.