NyxedYatt - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


.:Getting a Code:.-WIP-

-- Getting the Code --The Basic Code is given to a child when they are around 14/15, or will turn 15 that year.It will also be given alongside the mandatory vaccine, albeit a different spots on the body.The Code will be given during school hours, allowing the child to get back as soon as possible. The Code is given to the child at the back of their neck, and more specifically between vertebrea C1 (Atlas) and C2 (Axis) of their cervical spine.The procedure will take about 5 seconds, though it might hurt as the Code needs to be set in a large vein, right by the disk. After the Code is given, the child is sent back to their class, finishing up their school day. Though the child, in most cases, will come down with a mild fever. This will pass after 2-3 days with some rest. Some children wont get any sympthoms, being a rare cause. There are also children that won't get the Code, as their parents believe in being Codeless. Due to this, the children are given a permission slip a couple