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dabi- love letter

Dabi sighed to himself for what seemed like the hundredth time today, as he and his group sat in the back corner of the cafeteria. "ya know, if you keep staring like that, she'll think you're a creepy stalker." a raspy voice came from behind him. "piss off, Shigaraki. I can look all I want..." another sigh escaped, with a whisper soft mumble, "ain't like I'll ever get 'er for myself...not when she has ~heroes~ to choose from." his heart ached at the thought of some other guy getting to see her hidden sides, and be the one she laughs and smiles for...damnit, he wanted to have all her firsts, and everything after that as well... oh, his beloved, little Puppet, (F/n) (L/n). her quirk was called Marionette, and as long as she can see you, she can control you like a puppet on a string, but it felt like she already had his heart in her grip. (-x-) you glanced over and caught the piercing cyan gaze of the leader of UA's delinquent gang, Touya Todoroki, or ~Dabi~ as he prefers to be known. you can't fathom what it is about him, but there's something just....gods, something so irresistible about him.. you'd suspect it was his quirk if you didn't already know it was Cremation. you'd found that out when you overhead someone asking about his scars. hopefully they didn't hurt. he grins and winks at you, which is enough to bring you back to your senses enough that you're able to look away, oh gods...auuuugh, stupid Touya and his stupid hot face, and stupid broad shoulders and...stupid...-large hands that could wrap around you tight and keep away any nightmares that might try to haunt you...... "you okay, (L/n)? do I need to take you to see Recovery Girl?" a concerned voice asks, bringing an ice-cold hand to your forehead. the sudden temperature shift is enough to startle you, which forces a high-pitched 'YEEP!' from your lips as you practically jump out of your seat. "ah! T-Todoroki! can you not startle me like that??" your heterochromatic classmate merely sighs, "you were thinking about ~Touya~ again, weren't you? how many times do I have to remind you he's not the kind of guy you should try to be close with. he's been held back at least 3 times, and he's been a delinquent ever since middle school. he's dangerous, and I can't help but worry that he'd hurt you." "aww, that's sweet of you, Todoroki.. really.. but you forget what my own quirk is. if he tried anything, I could just make him punch himself in the face or burn himself or something, I'm fine. plus I have you, Deku, and Iida on speed dial for exactly that reason. I know you don't trust your brother... but he's just...-" you glance over, and can't help but admire the mature angles of his face, and the broad lines of his shoulders, "there's something about him... you know I've tried to stay away... but I just keep finding myself searching him out.. I'm drawn to him stronger than anything else, and at the very least, I would like to know why." (-x-) Dabi glared at the sight of his brother so close to you. "tch...of course it's him" growling to himself, Dabi remembered those words from last week. (-flashback-) he was skulking around campus looking for something interesting when he heard two familiar female voices approaching. "--crazy! absolutely crazy!" "can we just drop it, Mina? we both know you have an active imagination. this is just a part of that. there's nothing between us, I keep telling you!" it was that girl with the horns and the pink skin, talking to- Dabi practically bolted to hide behind a nearby bush. what were you complaining about? 'nothing between us' what'd that mean? "OH, COME, OONN!" Horns groans loudly, "it's SSSOOO PAINFULLY OBVIOUS!! oh my god...! you should just get together and stop this whole 'tension' thing, it's driving me nuts watching you get all fidgety cause of the guy! just tell him! what's the worst that could happen?" "he could say I'm trying to be too heroic with my villain's quirk, for one..." you gave an adorable huff. "really...? you're pulling the villain card again? don'tcha think that's a bit...-he'd have no right to call you of all people a villain." "then he'd probably say something about trying to drag him ~out of the shadows of villainy~ or something." you let out another adorable huff, followed by a scoff that was just as cute. "then at least admit you like the guy!" Horns practically shouts, and Dabi finds himself leaning further against the bush, as if it would help him hear the conversation somehow. "PAH! now who's the crazy one?? I'm not gonna admit to somethin' like that!" "oh, come oooon, (F/n)! there's no one else close enough to hear us! it's just you and me, and you trust me, right?" you have a long growling sigh, before asking in a deadpan tone, "..will this finally get you to shut up about it?" "yup!" she replies enthusiastically. another long groan escapes you followed by a quick sigh, "fine.... I-....I might..... have a bit of a crush... on a Todoroki-BUT I WON'T SAY A SINGLE WORD FURTHER!" Horns snickers, "you realize there's like 3 Todoroki's, hey, 4 if you count Endeavor." "Endeavor?! guugh, NO WAY! I'm not into old dudes, and especially not old dudes that harass his kids, you've heard what Todo's said about him!" "but which Todoroki did you mean? eeh? cause I think I knooow who it iiisss~" "MINA. I SAID NOT A WORD FURTHER, AND I MEANT IT!" (-end flashback-) of course she likes his kid brother; the family golden child... tch, he's even tryin' to steal his girl now too! "what does he have that I don't?" Dabi growled to himself. Dabi hated how close Shoto could get to her.. "are you getting jealous again, Dabiii?~" Toga asked in a sing-song tone "can it, stabby. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit." "you know.. I overheard an interesting school myth in class today! apparently if you confess your feelings under the cherry blossom tree on Friday, she HAS to accept." it wasn't the first time Toga had found a way under his skin, nor will it be the last. "come on, no one sane actually believes in that bullshit." Dabi grumbled irritably "oh, you'd be surprised.. especially since I figured out who Little Miss Marionette likes" that had Dabi sitting a fraction straighter, "what." he asked, feeling an odd sense of terror fill him. "you're just trying to get a rise outta me." she only grins, "all I'll say is your quirk matches with his." "if you know, then stop playing shitty, little games." "nah, this is so much more fun.." she giggles that crazy-ass laugh of hers, and walks away. "pah, thanks for nothin', Stabby!" he grumbles. but to his surprise, she gets a few feet away before spinning around, and marching back over, "buuuut I'll be nice for once and tell you this much; it's not your little brother over there." "it's...not?" Dabi wondered, quickly sinking into deep thought, 'if it's not the hotpocket...that leaves... Natsuo, and-..fuyumi. no...it couldn't possibly be-... when could Puppet have met Natsuo? he's never mentioned her before, and I feel like he would have if he was into her..maybe she likes him and he's just not interested? if that's true, he's a damn idiot.' Dabi was so deep in thought, he just barely noticed everyone leaving the cafeteria. oh, guess it was time to find a nice, shady tree to contemplate in.. on his way out, he overheard a familiar voice, "hey! (F/-chan) what do you think about the myth about the cherry blossom tree by the back of the school?" oh, damnit! why was Toga talking to Puppet about this?! "you.. mean the one about confessing your feelings?" you asked dubiously. "YUP! the guys are kind of arguing over whether it's real or not. Twice, Magne and I say it is, Dabi refuses to respond, and the others say it's stupid. what do you think?" "uhm... I... think it certainly has an effect.. and I would like to think that the-..the guy I like- would think to do that. it's..." you paused to sigh, "well.. heh, a pretty romantic way to confess, but honestly... it's not really his style. he's more brash and 'are you looking for a fight?' kind of guy than a 'writing his feelings down in a letter' type of guy. ..does-.. that make sense?" Dabi could just barely hear what the two girls were saying. 'a brash fighter, not a touchy feely guy? that doesn't fit Natsuo at all..dude fuckin' writes poetry in his spare time, at least it was last I saw 'im.. but- then leaves...-!!' it felt like he couldn't breathe for a few moments, his puppet....was he imagining it? or had misheard her? wait!! hadn't she said something to horns about "dragging him from the shadows of villainy"?? even so, the-there was no way he was the one she-...but who else could it be? it couldn't be Fuyumi, she'd said it was a guy, she liked.. Dabi was, once again, so deep in thought, he'd failed to notice where he was walking, and ended up practically knocking over the very woman that plagued his mind. (-x-) you're talking with Himiko when suddenly something practically bowls you over, but catches you a second later with a pair of strong, masculine arms, "WHOA- what's the- ru-...!! T-Dabi...h-hi, what are you-.." you stammer out, only to realize his face looks red, "h-hey, are you okay? you look kind of.. upset." you hesitantly reach up to place a hand on his forehead, as his arms remain firmly wrapped around your waist, they feel so warm, and you have to fight against the need to just straight up snuggle against him. "hmm, I can't really tell if you have a fever or if it's just your quirk. although, you hardly ever let anyone get this close to you, so I guess that makes me special.." your words seem to snap Dabi from his thoughts. "hmm.." he hums with a teasing smirk, "you should know that by now, Babydoll, you know you're the only one my gang seems to like. not to mention..." his arms tighten a fraction, "you smell nice today.. I'm almost tempted to steal a taste away.." you can't help but grin, if he wanted to steal your first kiss, ~then he was MORE THAN WELCOME TO DO SO~ but that would end the chase too quickly. so you decide to tease him back. "mmm, you'll have to earn something like that... Chicken nugget." "yeah?" he grins mischievously at you, "what do you have in mind, Puppet?" you can't help but grin back, and give him a laugh as you press a palm against a solid pectoral as he lets go of you. Dabi clicks his tongue playfully, "did'ja havta to use your quirk? I was enjoying that.." "when you've earned a kiss..." you send him a wink, and give his cheek a few gentle pats, "I'll be sure to let you know...but for now.. it was a nice try, Nugget." "heh, can't blame a guy for tryin', and for the record, I wasn't tryin' to bump into ya, I just wasn't paying enough attention to where I was going." he then reaches out, and gives you a few pats on the head before shoving his hands into the pockets of his tattered jacket, and sauntered off with a wave and a raspy chuckle. "I'll CATCH ya later, Babydoll, so try not to FALL for anyone else." after he rounds the corner and out of view, you cup your face in your palms and scream into them, "AAAAUUGH, THAT SLY PRICK!!!" your emotional outburst is cut short by a loud masculine laugh, and an amused shout of, "AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT, SWEETHEART!" "ahhh, lovebirds." Himiko giggles, which just about has you jumping out of your skin. GAAHH!! FUCK!! YOU FORGOT SHE WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE! you send a glare her way, and she giggles again as you growl out, "not... another...word.." as if to tease you, she mimes zipping up her lips and throwing away the key, which doesn't even make sense! zippers don't have locks! the two of you go back to walking when she giggles suddenly, "....I hate you.. stop thinking it." you glare harder as she grins broadly, and shrugs with a look of, 'yeah, but I won't~' (-x-) Dabi couldn't help but stare at his palms for a few moments, you had felt so warm against them; warm, and soft. he couldn't believe you'd actually allowed him to hold you for those few seconds, not to mention that you teased him just as much as he teased you. ..or, dare he say, flirted? "she smelled like flowers.." he whispered to himself. "you truly have it bad. but what I don't understand is why you refuse to speak with her about these feelings of yours." Mr. Compress shook his masked head as he walked past. "how many times do I have to tell you guys to piss off?" "until you either tell her or move on." Compress shrugs dramatically with a chuckle. "yeah, yeah, well it's easy for you to say, you have a damn mask to hide behind." Dabi growled, flipping the delinquent off. "yes, I suppose you do have a point, but mine still remains, nonetheless." he replied with a scoff. damn masked weirdo, thinking he's all prim and proper, despite being a deliquent just like the rest of the group. "you should write her a love letter and give it to her under the cherry blossoms on Friday!" Toga grinned widely after popping up from behind Mr. Compress. "ah, yes, that would certainly do it. you could think about which words to use, and how to best organize them." the deliquent she'd been hiding behind hummed with amused contemplation. "and if I remember correctly, you told me she believes in that myth about confessing under it." "fuck. you. Stabby." Dabi points at the grinning woman. "and you can piss off too, Compress." "but wouldn't you rather do that with (F/n)?" said grinning woman giggled, which made Dabi stalk off grumpily. 'write a love letter' bah! they were all crazy if they thought he was gonna do that! (-x-) damnit, like hell he was gonna do something so wimpy and pansy-ass! no way! "--just saying, if HE doesn't know you're into him even just a little, he might not think it's worth risking you rejecting him.." it was that pink girl, Horns. was she talking- "REJECTING HIM?? w-why would I ever do something like that?" -to... oh, he'd recognize that beautiful voice anywhere... Puppet.. something gripped at dabi's heart ferociously. there was no way he was the one she liked- even if he had a handful of evidence that said otherwise- "but ~HE~ might not know that. maybe he thinks you like someone with a more heroic reputation?" Horns continued. ~more heroic reputation~ ... yet another addition to pile.. but could it-..could it be possible afterall? there was no way.. there was a moment of silence before, "well, I-...I guess you might have a point...but I'm just so scared that he might like one of the other deliquents... he's always either around them, or by himself..." the... 'OTHER' delinquents? meaning one of them? but-... Dabi's mind raced to piece together all little snippets of information he'd gotten. ...it was him. it had to be. he-... he couldn't deny it much longer. the woman that had stolen his heart...might actually like him back... he couldn't believe it. "I just want to feel like I'm just as special to him as he is to me.. like.. like I'm worth the effort.." "oooh, so you want a great, big, flashy confession??? HELL'S YEAH, YOU DESERVE IT, GIRL!" Horns practically shouts with her usual brand of maniacal glee. "what? N-NO! no, I-.. I just want him to... ya know.. make it special. it's-... it's silly, but I've always dreamed about-.. well.. being able to look back on it years, even decades later and still remember it like it had just happened... it doesn't have to be expensive or flashy or anything, just... augh, nevermind, it's already asking too much for him to even like me at all." there was a pause before Puppet continued, though it was too quiet for Dabi to make out the words from his hiding spot. "no no, you deserve every bit of that dream." Horns replied in a soft, concerned tone, and honestly... Dabi found himself agreeing. he wanted to give Puppet everything he had to offer, (even if he'd been just about entirely cut off from his allowance.. so he didn't have much to give aside from himself..) he found himself wandering away from the two females, and aimlessly meandered about for.. actually he wasn't sure how long, but it felt like a while. he looked up, and with a small start, realized where he'd stopped. ~directly underneath her classroom~ his heart stuttered when his crush happened to look up, and lock with his gaze, he was transfixed by those beautiful (color)eyes, this woman was everything he wanted, everything he needed, and everything in between.. maybe...he should probably at least TRY to write that stupid damn letter...she did say she wanted it to be special... (-x-) you watched him stand outside the classroom, his fiery cyan eyes drawing you in like a moth to a flame. gods, you were in deep. you wished that one of you would have the guts to say something. you definitely couldn't. just the thought of revealing your year long feelings was enough to send you into a panic. "if he doesn't know that your interested, even a little, he might not think it's worth the risk of you rejecting him" Mina's words from before class echoed in your mind. auuugh...!! mustering up your courage, you smiled and waved at him. but soon your nerves took back control over you, and if you had a fire-based quirk, you'd have burst into flames on the spot. "Miss (L/n)." he grinned and waved back, sending your heart fluttering. "MISS, (L/N)." the cranky tone of the teacher made you wince, responding in a slow, uneasy, "y-...yes...?" "since you so clearly already mastered today's subject, would you care to solve for us?" Ms. Nagato gestured to the black board where a math problem that you had absolutely no idea how to solve sat. "if not.. then perhaps you should pay attention rather than flirt with the likes of the deliquents, nothing good can come from them.. and you could do so much better.." "er-...y-yes, Ms. Nagato...." you sighed defeatedly. (-x-) Dabi sat at the base of a tree, with a pen and notebook in hand. if Puppet wanted something special, then he'd damn well do special.. "the others made it sound so easy. but how the fuck am I supposed to do something like this.." Natsuo writes poems, what would he write? probably somethin' flowery.. "but I'm not a flowery kind of guy, and if I write like that she won't even believe it's from me! fuck..." angrily, he scrawled out, 'I know I'm shit at expressing myself, but I like you.' ...is that too straight to the point? there's nothing special about that, it's nothing but fact! "gaah!!" Dabi growled, ripping out the page, before balling it up and burning it to ash. wait..ashes.. heh, isn't that what she used to call him? 'my heart is has been burned to ashes, but when I see you I feel it raise up like a phoenix.' "...that's... not completely terrible.." Dabi muttered to himself... he leaned against the tree and stared up through the leaves, "she wants to feel special... so..maybe I should say something like she's 'one of a kind'? 'one in a million'? no.. those aren't special at all.. damnit.." ~riipp~ he angrily tore off the page, before it and watching the ashes scatter in the wing. 'you send my ashen-' groaning, he erased the last word before having an idea, and replacing it with ~tattered~ "heh, yeah.. sounds about right.." Dabi chuckled at his self-depricating joke. '-tattered heart burning alive' ...."fuck that. no." he grunts, ripping the page off and burning the balled up attempt. fuck!! why was this so damn hard? okay, think Dabi.. what do you like about her? she's not afraid to get in my face, she's brazen and spunky, but also kind, she's adorable but also hot. she's loyal and has her own values, she doesn't let others walk on her.. grinning to himself, Dabi wrote down, 'to my puppet master,' before snickering at the pun. what else... 'the woman who has captured my heart in her puppet strings.' okay.. that's... actually not bad..! he was impressed with himself! who knew he had this in him? he certainly didn't.. but it still felt incomplete somehow... after spending several minutes muttering different sentences to himself, Dabi finally found one that felt at least ~semi-acceptable~ "maybe...'you can leave me to burn myself out, or be the hero I need, and complete me'? burgh! no, that's too cheesy. but I do feel like I should have 'burn' in there somewhere. gah.. Puppet damn well better appreciate this shit.." after leaning heavily against a tree, the scarred delinquent heaved a heavy sigh, and muttered to himself, "when I'm with you... nothing else matters...like the rest of the world has burned away..." yeah.. that would work. Dabi wrote it down, and read through what he had. To my Puppet master, the woman who has captured my heart in her puppet strings. when I'm with you nothing else matters. it's like the rest of the world has burned away. hmm... but would that be good enough? distantly, he heard the bell chime. guess it'd have to be or he'd risk the others finding him. Dabi carefully tore the page from notebook, and folded it up before slipping it in his jacket. ...now to wait for Friday... the days passed rather uneventfully, except for the times when he'd bump into you, and say something vaguely flirty and laugh when you got flustered. ahh, he loved how easy it was, you were so adorable, and each encounter would only give him more evidence leading him towards believing you liked him. finally, Friday had rolled around, and Dabi found himself oddly nervous. okay, maybe not that odd considering what he was doing, but still, this feeling was entirely foreign to him. it was okay.. it was okay.. he could do this.. Dabi took a deep breath and walked through the front gates to UA high, and went straight to one of the shoe lockers, he knew exactly which one he wanted. but his nerves were acting up, so he grabbed a note from his jacket and practically shoved it into the locker before stalking off. THERE! ..no going back now. he just had to survive the day and hope he was right. (-x-) you giggled and joked with Mina as you did every day while walking to school. "I wonder if you'll have a note in your locker today♪" she playfully poked you with her elbow. "oh, would you shut up, Mina?" you laughed, giving her a playful shove. "I'm just saying, Himiko is in his gang, and she knows you like him. you know how she is♪" you only laughed, shrugging off the comment before she could fluster you. however...your heart skipped a beat when you opened your locker, finding a crumpled lump of paper sitting between your shoes. "what's wrong?" Mina asked, gently shaking you free of your frozen state. "n-nothing's wrong, I-" "IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS??" she practically shouts, startling several other students. "OH MY GOD, READ IT! READ IT!" with a shaking palm, you pull the crumpled wad from your locker, and smooth it out. when you start reading, you can only gasp at what was written. "it's a-... so-someone wants to meet me b-by the cherry blossom tree.. a-after classes are out." you couldn't believe it.. "ahh! this is incredible! who do you think it's from?" she asked excitedly. "I-..know who I want it to be from..but- I don't know if it's from ~him~" ~ding dong.. ding dong..~ the bell chimed, snapping you from your reverie. "ugh... I'm honestly tempted to skip for the day..!" you grumble, then quickly change out your shoes and place the note in your bag before jogging off to homeroom. between classes, you find yourself pulling out the note and reading it over and over. could it actually be from Touya? "HEYA, (F/-CHAN)! WHATCHA READING?" Himiko excitedly slings an arm around your shoulders. "oh- uh, I-..I found this in my locker.." you respond slowly, internally debating over whether to tell her or to play it off, as you know how much she loves teasing people. "oh?" she hums with great interest and looks at wrinkled paper in your hands, "OH! WOW! LOOKS DABI TOOK MY ADVICE AFTER ALL!! AHH THAT'S SO ROMANTIC!!" a-advice? what kind of advice? "what are you talking about?" "ohp! sorry! no, spoilys!" she waggles a finger, giggling crazily. as she always does. (-Dabi-) "A-PTHCHUUU!...urgh..." Dabi sneezed, then glared at the school building, "assholes better not be talking shit about me.." he pulled his phone from his jacket, and checked the time, it was getting close to the end of the school day. "..hope I'm right about this.." Dabi sat down with his back to the cherry blossom tree behind the school. might as well do something to pass the time, who knows if she'll even show up. he pulled out a small stack of origami paper from one of the many inner pockets of his tattered jacket, and set out to start folding. by the time he'd made 3 animals he could hear the bell chiming. "now to wait and see if she actually shows up.." Dabi grumbled nervously. he reached into his jacket to make sure the letter was still in there. it was. okay... good.. he flicked a flame onto each of his creations and watched them turn to ash. better to destroy them now than to have someone see and get the idea to spread rumors about him folding paper. (even if those rumors were true) he pulled out his phone and played a stupid time waste game. at least this way he didn't hurt his ~badboy image~. ..or other people's faces for calling him out on his less-than-masculine hobby. several minutes passed by, and he was just starting to lose hope. however just as he began to consider leaving, he saw something move, !!! it was- he couldn't believe it. you were running towards him. "she's... actually coming..." his heart was pounding, the sound deafening in his purple, scarred ears. he watched you run, getting closer and closer, "you-... heh, I didn't think you would actually come out here..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "you-...ah-..y-you said you had something to tell me.." "uhm.. y-yeah, I..I do..heh I have for a whole, actually, but-..look- here, just-" he practically shoved his hand into his jacket, and held out the note as his face burned red. "read the damn letter, okay?" (-x-) with shaking hands, you took the folded note from his, the tips of your fingers brushed as you did so. "you-..this-...oh gods.." the flustered words spilled from you without much notice. he didn't respond, simply leaned back against the tree and stared up at the leaves, grumbling out, "it's not perfect, but it gets the point across well enough.." it...gets the point across? w-what point was he making? shakingly, you unfolded the note. to my Puppet master, the woman who has captured my heart in her puppet strings. when I'm with you nothing else matters. it's like the rest of the world has burned away. it felt all the air was sucked out of your lungs, was he-... this was-.. "you...I've.. really 'captured your heart'? so you-..you like me?" sighing heavily, Touya finally looked at you, his cyan eyes normally pierced through you... but today, his gaze was so soft that you thought you might just melt under it. "Touya..." almost in a daze, you reach out and place a palm against his face. he closed his eyes entirely and leaned towards you a little, even placing a hand over yours. "it's..." he muttered with a soft smile, "you're so small, Puppet.." "it's not my fault you're so much bigger than me.." you hummed, feeling a sense of peace in his touch. "you've 'captured my heart' too, by the way..now come'ere.." and pull him in for a kiss.