The Knight - Hollow Knight by OJhat on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
A small one... This one is different... go home little shadow... let us sleep a while longer... your nail will not get you very far... begone, wandering ghost...
[You can find this artwork and more in the series collectively uploaded here, updated weekly on tuesdays.]
digitally sketched, inked, and colored in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 7
Compiling, Patterns, and Shading in Adobe Photoshop CC
Carbon Fiber Photoshop patterns downloaded here
The Knight and all related content belongs to Team Cherry
Legal uses of this artwork:
-You, the viewer, may share this artwork for non-profit means on other sites with no ill reputation or harmful activity, but you MUST credit me and provide a clickable hyperlink back to this page or my deviantart page.
You may NOT:
-claim to be the owner of this artwork on ANY website, or claim to have drawn it.
-use this artwork for any commercial profit.
-sell this artwork anywhere, on any merchandise, physical or digital, by any means.
-attempt to crop, tamper with or manipulate the image for the purposes of illegal activity or commercial profit.
Hollow Knight has been my one single-player game that I've been slugging through the past week and a half. Definitely a very atmospheric game... very strict but not unfair in it's gameplay. Also, LOVE the music, but it puts me in a somber mood after a game session and it becomes hard to do any more work :/