Anti-Abortion by Operation-Mindcrime on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Not my quote, though. I saved it from a comment that someone made on a while back.

Edit Edit: Holy crap, I even got the attention of the KKK. :iconteheplz:

Edit: Haha, GOOD GAWD. You people like controversy. How is this the absolute most popular thing in my entire gallery?

Now, rather than arguing pointlessly with ding-a-lings, I'm just going to leave a few things here so I don't have to endlessly repeat myself.

First and foremost...try paying more attention to the stamp instead of the title. I am not anti-abortion. I fully support a woman's right to do whatever the hell she wants with her body.

Also, of COURSE this is an extreme example. That's the point. There are cases of psychotic "pro-lifers" that have bombed abortion clinics in attempt to murder whoever is inside. I haven't heard anything about crazies that go around forcing strangers to have abortions because they don't approve of pregnancy. If you happen to be aware of such a thing happening, please...enlighten me.

Most importantly, however... I am all for a woman being allowed to abort. To put it simply, at the end of the day the thing she is carrying inside her is a part of her body and cannot live independently before a certain point. She should be allowed to do with it as she damn well pleases.

Go ahead and leave a comment if you wish, but fair warning that you'll be wasting your time. I'm only one person against a sea of argumentative people with nothing better to do than try to prove someone on the internet wrong. I can think of better things to do with my time than feed their angry little fires.

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