Spider-Gwen Lost Her Shoe by Orion1000 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The multiverse was in chaos again. Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, and their team of Spider-People were tasked with tracking down anomalies in different dimensions. It wasn’t the first time, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but every mission brought its own set of challenges and surprises. This one was no different.

Miles and Gwen were assigned to a particularly tricky dimension, a labyrinthine cityscape where the buildings twisted and curved in impossible ways, defying the laws of physics. The city was alive with neon lights, and the streets were filled with the constant hum of strange, futuristic vehicles.

"Man, this place is wild," Miles said, shooting a web at a nearby building and swinging effortlessly through the air.

"Tell me about it," Gwen replied, following closely behind. "But hey, we've dealt with worse."

Their mission was simple enough: locate a rogue anomaly, neutralize it, and return to their dimension. But as they neared their target, something strange happened. A portal opened up in the middle of the street, its golden glow illuminating the dark alleyways.

"That’s not supposed to happen," Gwen muttered, landing gracefully on a nearby rooftop.

Miles squinted at the portal. "Yeah, definitely not in the mission briefing. You think this is our guy?"

"Only one way to find out," Gwen said, leaping off the rooftop and diving into the portal.

Miles hesitated for only a second before following her. The sensation of entering the portal was disorienting—a swirl of colors and lights that made him feel like he was being stretched in every direction at once. Then, just as suddenly, he was spat out into another dimension, landing with a roll on a cold, metal floor.

He looked around, taking in his new surroundings. The place was dark and industrial, with massive gears turning slowly in the background. It was eerily silent, except for the occasional clank of machinery.

"Gwen?" Miles called out, but there was no response.

He shot a web to the ceiling and pulled himself up, trying to get a better view. That’s when he saw it—a figure moving in the shadows, fast and agile. It wasn’t Gwen, but it was definitely their anomaly. Miles swung after it, determined not to lose track.

Miles chased the anomaly through the maze-like structure, the sound of his web-shooters echoing in the empty corridors. The figure ahead was fast, too fast. It darted around corners and through tight spaces, always just out of reach.

"Come on!" Miles muttered under his breath, pushing himself harder. "Just... a little... closer!"

Finally, he managed to close the distance, but as he reached out to grab the anomaly, it suddenly shifted directions, heading straight for another portal that had appeared out of nowhere. Miles had no time to react before he was sucked into the portal once again.

He tumbled through the swirling vortex, trying to orient himself. When he finally landed, he found himself in yet another dimension. This one was different—more familiar. It looked like New York, but there were subtle differences. The buildings were taller, the sky a deeper shade of blue, and the air was thick with the smell of something burning.

Before he could gather his thoughts, Gwen landed beside him, looking frazzled. "Miles! Thank God. I thought I lost you back there."

"Yeah, these portals are getting annoying," Miles replied, rubbing the back of his head. "Did you see where that guy went?"

Gwen shook her head. "No, but we need to find him fast. These dimensions are starting to collapse on each other."

"Great," Miles said, shooting a web at a nearby building. "Let's go."

They swung through the city, scanning the area for any sign of the anomaly. As they rounded a corner, they saw it—standing on top of a building, looking out over the city like it was planning something big.

"There!" Gwen pointed, and they both shot webs towards the building, landing on the rooftop in a matter of seconds.

But before they could engage, the anomaly turned and dashed towards yet another portal. This time, Miles was ready. He shot a web at the portal, trying to close it, but the anomaly was too quick. It dove into the portal, leaving Miles and Gwen standing on the rooftop, frustrated.

"Seriously? Another portal?" Miles groaned.

"Yeah, but this time, we're going to be ready for it," Gwen said, determination in her voice.

As they prepared to jump into the portal again, Gwen suddenly froze, a look of horror on her face.

"What's wrong?" Miles asked, concerned.

Gwen looked down at her feet and groaned. "I... I lost my shoe while we were going through the last portal."

Miles stared at her, not quite understanding. "So? We have bigger problems right now, Gwen."

"No, you don't get it," Gwen said, her voice tinged with panic. "This isn't just any shoe. It's not even mine. It belongs to Hobie."

"Hobie?" Miles blinked, his mind racing to catch up. "As in Spider-Punk Hobie?"

"Yeah," Gwen said, her face turning red. "He's gonna kill me if I don't find it. And I can't just keep on hopping around with only one shoe on. This is so embarrassing!"

Miles sighed, glancing at the portal. They didn’t have time for this, but he could see how upset Gwen was. "Okay, okay. We'll find your shoe, alright? But we need to stop that anomaly first."

Gwen nodded, still looking miserable. "I know, I know. Let’s just... do this."

They dove into the portal once more, landing in yet another strange dimension. This one was dark and foreboding, with twisted metal structures looming overhead and the ground beneath them shifting like quicksand. The anomaly was ahead, standing near a massive, glowing gateway that seemed to pulse with energy.

"This is it," Miles said, steeling himself. "Let’s end this."

They charged at the anomaly, dodging its attacks and fighting with everything they had. It was a fierce battle, but together, they managed to corner the anomaly, trapping it against the glowing gateway.

"Now!" Miles shouted, and Gwen activated her web-shooters, wrapping the anomaly in a cocoon of webbing.

Just as they thought they had won, the ground beneath them began to tremble, and the gateway started to expand. Miles and Gwen were sucked towards it, the force pulling them off their feet. Gwen tried to hold on, but the pull was too strong. As she was dragged towards the gateway, she saw it—Hobie’s shoe, lying on the ground near the anomaly.

"No!" she cried, reaching out for it, but it was too late. The portal closed around them, leaving the shoe behind.

When they finally emerged from the other side, they were back in their own dimension, standing in a deserted alleyway. Miles looked around, trying to get his bearings.

"You okay?" he asked Gwen, who was sitting on the ground, looking dejected.

"I lost it," she muttered, staring at her remaining shoe. "Hobie’s going to kill me."

Miles knelt down beside her, picking up a small, blue sneaker that had been left behind. "Well, at least we got this one," he said, holding it up.

Gwen looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. "Wait... that’s it! That’s Hobie’s shoe!"

Miles grinned, handing it to her. "Looks like we managed to save the day after all."

Gwen took the shoe, a relieved smile spreading across her face. "Thanks, Miles. I owe you one."

As they stood up, Miles couldn’t help but chuckle. "You know, this has been one of the weirdest missions ever."

"Tell me about it," Gwen said, shaking her head. "Let’s get out of here before something else goes wrong."

They walked out of the alleyway, ready to return to HQ, but as they left, Miles couldn’t resist one last tease.

"Hey, Gwen?" he said, smirking. "Next time, try to keep both your shoes on, alright?"

Gwen punched him playfully on the arm, laughing despite herself. "Shut up, Morales."

And with that, they swung off into the night, ready for whatever the multiverse had to throw at them next.