P5 Adachi by Osusome on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Osusome on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/osusome/art/P5-Adachi-772167808Osusome

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Osusome's avatar

Published: Nov 11, 2018


Because I'm excited about the mod and wanted an excuse to draw Adachi. Hahaha.

Tohru Adachi - Persona 4

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1024x1360px 78.1 KB

GothamScarecrow's avatar

One thing that made Adachi a great villain is, while his crimes are unforgivable, his pain over the years that led him to that point is very relatable to a lot of people, I think. It doesn't justify his crimes, but it allows us to understand how he became so bitter.