My Version of TF:RiD (2015) Starscream by PaintStroke203 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is what Starscream looks like in my style. He looks like his Robots in Disguise 2015 look, except with the same eyebrows and eye color as his Prime look.

This Starscream is one of the antagonists of my Transformers: The Orionverse storyline which is my own sequel series and alternate universe to Transformers: Prime who wants to get revenge on his former master, Megatron, for years of abuse and punishment. Starscream also wants to destroy the Autobots and their Decepticon allies. I gave this Starscream a villain motivation for wanting to usurp Megatron such as him being betrayed by Jetfire, breaking up with Slipstream, being unloved and rejected by society for being born with red optics and being betrayed by Overflight. In The New Beginning, he joined Doomsayer and became his second-in-command and Air Command of his New Decepticon army. Starscream attempted to get revenge on Megatron when he kidnapped Jack Darby's mother, he tried to get Megatron's son, Orion Eclipse to join his side only for him to reject his proposal to team up, and then Starscream took Doomsayer's place as the new leader of the New Decepticons when Doomsayer made himself into Galvatron and he asked Starscream to take his place. But then, Starscream's coronation got ruined by Megatron and his son and when Orion Eclipse turned the Decepticons against Starscream, the seeker retreated with the Inner Circle: The New Decepticons who are still loyal onto Doomsayer and his successor. In The Legacy of Optimus Prime, Starscream had succeeded Doomsayer/Galvatron as the new leader of the New Decepticons/Destructicons and he tried many times to complete his quest for revenge and galactic domination. But then when he tried to make Windblade his bride, he got her pregnant with triplets before she left him at the altar and Starscream left the Darksyde and his minions to find Windblade at Cybertron and when he discovered that she was carrying, Starscream allowed Optimus Prime and the Autobots to put him in prison for his war crimes, abuse of power, terrorism, treason, and impregnating Windblade out of wedlock. When Windblade gave birth to her and Starscream's triplets, Optimus gave the seeker a chance to meet his children before putting him back to prison. Starscream named one of his triplets Warpdrive in honor of his deceased partner/boyfriend, Skywarp. When Doomsayer got killed by his father, The Fallen, he possessed Starscream, turned him into Solarshriek and tried one last time to achieve his villanous goals before Doomsayer's spirit got removed from Starscream, reverting him back to normal. Once Doomsayer, The Fallen, and Unicron had been defeated for good, Starscream makes amends with all his enemies, including Knock Out and Megatron. In the end, Starscream spent a few more years in prison until he was released to be properly married to Windblade and help her raise their children after being reformed.

Character (c) Transformers & Hasbro