Little Monarch by panda69680102 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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panda69680102 on DeviantArt

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panda69680102's avatar

Published: Nov 18, 2010


I had been trying all season to get a shot of a monarch with it's wings open. Well finally after I had all but given up, I stumbled across this one. Well it seemed like it wanted me to photograph it. It was like it was posing for me. :)

Cropped and colors fixed. Original is here... [link]

Other works by me:

Image size

2656x1945px 235.1 KB



Shutter Speed

1/250 second

Date Taken

Oct 17, 2010, 1:38:09 AM

Cloudstreaker's avatar

That's usually how it works, when you've pretty much given up - boom! I like how you angled the shot instead of right on (might have been an accident but it works) and I like how the ground matches the monarch but there's still the contrasting green to break up the brown :)