Nikisz - Street of St. Anne by Pappart on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ńikisz - Street of St. Anne. Created using "Fast Style Transfer" and GIMP.

Nikiszowiec (niem. Nickischschacht, śl. Ńikisz) - a part of an administrative district Janów-Nikiszowiec of Katowice city.

Initially it was coal miners' settlement of Giesche mine built on the land of Gieschewald manor (Giszowiec) between 1908–1918 on the mining – metallurgical concern initiative Georg von Giesches Erben. On 9 May 1924, the manor was liquidated, and Nikiszowiec together with Giszowiec were incorporated into Janów district.

In 1951 the district became a part of a new city – Szopienice, however, this decision was voided in 1960, when both Szopienice and Nikiszowiec were incorporated to Katowice.

The remnants of the original workers' housing estate familoks (specialized multi-family residences) comprise one of Poland's official national Historic Monuments, as designated January 28, 2011 and tracked by the National Heritage Board of Poland.

The wedding photo that was the prototype of this image was taken by "Fotograficzna Sekcja Specjalna" -