Krystal by Paradoxing5 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This drawing caught my attention for reviewing.

Composition: The figure is in the center of the drawing which is normal, but I like how the background looks. There's the windows, which cast their own light, onto her body. Then you have the pillar off to the side and you also have the water. All in all, I think that for a pose that's mostly her sitting, you make this quite dynamic. I also like how all of the lines are curves, to make her seem softer. There's a good parallel between one column and the other pillar. This makes this feel more centered and balanced. Actually, this is calming overall.

Color: The colors stand out. I think there may be too much blue, but I understand that's because you were probably trying for something with a dominant color. I think you might be able to make the back wall darker though, to make the colors stand out more. I think the touches of red on her clothing and the green also make this look good. The red is dull enough to not clash with the blue, but isn't horrible or lackluster, so that's great enough for me.

Shading: Seems like you really like to paint with more of a soft shading style. Nothing wrong with that, and there's appropriate shine on the thighs and arms, plus there's some good highlights on the shoulders and hair. Next, the gem she has as a necklace is lit up pretty well, along with the eyes, making them both pop out, meanwhile the hair is just sorta whitish. That's fine though. I also see the water's color is reflected on the bottom of her chin and on her core. That's really good touches.

This is fairly dynamic piece, and I enjoyed seeing this quite a bit. Thanks for sharing.